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  • Tags: Bombing of Mailly-le-Camp (3/4 May 1944)

A map of western Europe overlaid with the tracks of 34 operations undertaken by John and his crew.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A list of 129 Lancasters lost on 79 operations between September 1943 and April 1945. Target, date and aircraft tail numbers are listed in chronological order.

First page - photograph of seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet standing in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Lancaster - 138 Squadron, Alf Warren (3rd from the left) mid upper gunner'. Then follows a list of thirty-one operations between 2…

A report on RAF operations over France. The tank depot at Mailly was attacked as were railways, aircraft stores and an ammunition dump.

A series of four charts at 1:2890000 scale.
#1 has a route to St Martin de Marreville dated 28/5/44.
#2 has a route to Saumur, dated 31/1/644.
#3 has a route to Nantes dated 29/5/44.
#4 has a route to Mailly le Camp

Top - target photograph showing fields on the left and a built up area with rows of buildings on the right. There is a four engine bomber below bottom left. Captioned '529 METH. 3/4.5.44//NT 8" 6,500' 219 degrees 00.17, MAILY.Rd.F 1x4000HC 16x500MC.…

Left - Notifies of award of Distinguished Flying Cross to Flying Officer Charles Martin. Provides some biographical details and description of action which led to the award.
Right - Notified of award of Distinguished Flying Cross, some biographic…

Shows route across English Channel north of Paris to Mailly-le-Camp and return.

Target Mailly-le-Camp attacked by Lancasters. Covers weather forecast, plan of attack, total number of sorties, narrative of attack, day reconnaissance, enemy defences air and ground, enemy aircraft destroyed, casualties, target details, route,…

Report on Alan Gibson's crew's operation to Mailly-Le-Camp describing attack by enemy aircraft which was engaged by gunners. Lists crew.

A detailed memoir of the operation to Mailly-le-Camp when Lancaster JB314 crashed, killing all eight crew on board. It includes a detailed description by Michel, a teacher at Courboin. The remains of the airmen are collected and buried with ceremony.…

Five Group Newsletter, number 22, May 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about armament, war savings, flying control, engineering, flight engineers, gardening, prisoner of war fund, air bombing, navigation,…

Printed list of 31 operations in which W Breckenbridge was pilot. W B Baker was mid-upper gunner on all but 10 of these operations. Hand-written note on the final sheet reads, 'Doc 115 - Recommendation for honours and awards, station diary 30/01/44'.

Three columns showing three bomb loads with tare, petrol, bomb and all up weights.

Indicates two bomb loads for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, timings, route and method. Annotated 'Mailly Le Camp'. On the reverse bombing notes. including marking and that Mosquito will drop red spot on aiming point.

Expresses his sympathy and contains a list of the next of kin of his crew members.
Crew of John's aircraft ND411. Flight Engineer, 1605107 Sergeant JE Moore, Navigator 1576517 TW Sykes, Air bomber (Aus) 418938 Flight Sergeant CS Gay, Wireless…
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