Browse Items (108 total)

  • Tags: B-25

Pilots flying log book, three, for Thomas Other Prickett, covering the period from 21 June 1944 to 2 November 1966. Detailing his flying training, instructor duties, staff duties with the RAF Delegation to the USA, Empire Central Flying School,…

Air Gunner’s flying log book for C McDermott covering the period from 7 July 1941 to 28 July 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown, includes course results, gunners briefing note and target details. He was stationed at RAF…

Pilots flying log book for L E Penn, covering the period from 31 December 1942 to 26 September 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RCAF Dauphin, RCAF Pennfield Ridge, RCAF Yarmouth, RAF…

Victoires de la RAF en 1943
Air Marshal Sir Richard Peck describes large composition and successes of RAF during 1943 whilst underlining the threat still posed by Germany.

Les machines
Maintains Anglo-American aircraft production is four times…

Pilot's flying log book for Roy Hastie. It covers his RAF service from 9 December 1940 to 31 March 1946 and then his RAF Auxilliary Service flying to 23 May 1952. Detailing his flying training and operations flown firstly with Coastal Command and…

Patrick Geary’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 21st April 1943 until 15th May 1958. Initial training as a pilot at No. 6 Elementary Flying Training School, No. 10 Service Flying training School. Posted to 20 Advanced Flying Unit in March 1944.…

Pilot's flying log book for Robert 'Bob' Keeling covering the period 1 July 1943 to 23 October 1945 when he was a test pilot with the Royal Aircraft Establishment. In addition it covers the period 14 January 1946 to 26 November 1949 when Bob was a…

Laurie was a bank clerk in Australia before enlisting in September 1941 at Bradfield Park. He proceeded to Narromine for elementary flying training and eventually to Canada where he was posted to the Service Flying Training School at Dauphin. He…

Notes kept by JH Bird during his training.

Peter was born in London and recalls his home suffering bomb damage during the war. He served in the Air Training Corps until joining the Royal Air Force in 1943. After reporting to the Aircrew Reception Centre at St John’s Wood, he spent a few…

Andrew was born in Chichester in 1923. The family moved to Wolverhampton when he was about two years old and then to Dulwich just before the war. When he was 13 or 14, his mother enrolled him at the Royal Naval College at Dartmouth, where he spent…

Gives brief biographic and service details. Drawings of aircraft and squadron/group badges as well as portrait of Marshall of the Royal Air Force Sir Arthur T Harris Bt, GCB,OBE,AFC,LLD, Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Bomber Command 1942-1945. 'A…

A biography of Fred. In addition it includes histories of aircraft and squadrons he served in, Details are included of airfields he served at. Additionally there are biographies of various servicemen associated with Fred's squadrons and service.

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An air to air photograph of the starboard sides of three B-25 Mitchells Mk II from 111 OTU (Coastal Command) in flight over Nassau.

PShawSR1604 copy.2.jpg
Stanley Shaw was born in 1926 in Derby and, having left school at Easter 1940, he worked in a garage looking after fuel for the nearby camp at Spondon. He saw some soldiers who had returned from Dunkirk, who were reporting to their headquarters.…

Photograph 1 is the crew of the B-25.
Photograph 2 is the crew of the B-25 adding the letters 100 to the aircraft's nose art.
Photograph 3 is a group of airmen round the nose of the aircraft. They are captioned '226 Sqd, 1st Mitchell A/C to…

Photographs 1 to 4 are air-to-air views of B-25s, captioned '226 Sqd, Mitchell A/C; in flight over Germany, June 1945.'
Photograph 5 is of a Mosquito, close to the ground, undercarriage down.

Photograph 1 is of a B-25, undercarriage down, low level, port side, captioned 'Whitley A/C. R.A.F. Middleton St George, 1941'.
Photograph 2 is of the starboard side of a Boston 'P', in flight, captioned Boston A/C. R.A.F. Hartford Bridge. 1944. 88…
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