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  • Tags: B-24

A newspaper cutting referring to the first daylight 1000 bomber operations. Chris Scrimshaw took part in this attack. It is annotated 'Dad'.

Four newspaper cuttings from 1944 describing four separate operations. Salzburg captioned 'Oct 17 1944', Essen captioned 'Oct 25th 1944', Dunkirk and Vienna captioned 'Nov 4th 1944' and Gelsenkirchen captioned 'Nov 6th 1944'.

Map showing Mediterranean Sea and surrounding countries. Provides a history of of the group who provided the only mobile force of heavy bombers in the Mediterranean theatre. Wellington, Halifax and B-24 acted as a tactical force attacking…

12 aircrew posed in two rows on a grass area. Ronald Carpenter third from left in front row.
Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

A list of the coverage of the eight week course at 76 Operational Training Unit.

List serial and other data, including eventual fate, concerning squadron aircraft.

Pilots flying log book two for A E Biscoe, covering the period from 3 August 1942 to 28 February 1945. Detailing his flying training, Instructor duties and operations flown. He was stationed at RCAF Estevan, RCAF Trenton, RCAF Penhold, RCAF Pearce,…

Royal Canadian Air Force flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for A H G Dicker, navigator, covering the period from 4 July 1944 to 30 April 1953. Detailing his flying training, post war duties with 205 squadron, 52 squadron, 203 squadron and…

Ten airman wearing tropical uniform lined up standing and on squatting in front. Captioned ' G Steward (AG), A Clarke (AG), S Willis (AG), J Anderton (Capt), D welch (Nav), B Williamson (B, aimer), M Bryant (2nd pilot). M Sherrard (F/Eng), R Ferg[..]…

Account of the operation to locate a German submarine and shooting down of a United States Navy PB4Y-1 Liberator by a Ju 88 in February 1944. Author is the nose gunner/bomb aimer and describes the operation, attack by fighters, ditching, escape to…

A biography of Fred. In addition it includes histories of aircraft and squadrons he served in, Details are included of airfields he served at. Additionally there are biographies of various servicemen associated with Fred's squadrons and service.

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An airman wearing flying helmet in right hand seat of B-24 cockpit. Two versions of the same image.

Seven aircrew are in front of the fuselage of a B-24 with 'M 19' painted on it. Five aircrew are standing, two crouched. Some are in flying gear, one has sergeant stripes.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the…

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Group of nine aircrew standing in front of the wing of a B-24. They are wearing flying suits, Mae Wests, and flying boots. One is also wearing a parachute harness.

Additional information about this item was kindly provide by the donor.


An airman wearing flying helmet in the right hand seat of cockpit of a B-24.

A airman with large grin, leaning out of cockpit window of a B-24.

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11 airmen in uniform standing alongside a B-24. Four are wearing officer's caps and seven wear side caps. The plane has 47 tally markings on the fuselage together with a large upright A and diagonal lettering 'ADLIB'. Additional information about…

Alan Gwilliam’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 29th September 1943 until 25th July 1953. Continued posting with 21 Service Flying Training School as an instructor. Posted to 76 Operational Training Unit in Palestine during March 1944 and then to…

Article 1. Headlines: all Sicily conquered, German resistance at end, Messina captured by seventh army, Italian mainland shelled. Mentions operation by B-17 on southern France and by B-24s destroying 43 axis fighters during battle in southern Italy.…
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