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  • Tags: Air Raid Precautions

Letter to Miss Green describing a response to call for volunteers for warden's service to help in defence of Stretford borough. Appreciates all she has done and wished good luck.

Thanks him for last letter and describes a daylight German attack near his office. Two bombs dropped nearby but did not explode and were dealt with by Royal Engineers. Two oil bombs were also dropped, but these landed on waste ground. Mentions life…

Writes about her work at Air Raid Precautions. Hopes her letters had got through. Writes about snow. Continues letter next day and describes her activities. Mentions smoking Turkish cigarettes. Asks what he did in civilian life. Talks a little of he…

Autographical account of life at the beginning of the war including service in ARP in Swindon and his reasons for volunteering for the RAF. He registered for military service in February 1941. Awaiting call-up, he had induction at St John's Wood…

A certificate awarded to Roy for achieving a pass in Air Raid Precaution.

Memoir detailing a teenage girl's experiences of the war. The document details experiences of evacuation, the blackouts, sounds of the war during air raids and what they saw on the streets of Liverpool.

Ted Neale describes the start of the war and the end of his schooling. After a couple of jobs, which he left quickly, he moved to the Woolwich Arsenal as an apprentice tool maker. On Saturday 7th September 1940 an air raid destroyed the factory,…

Transcript of F Dunn's memoir describing life before and after joining the RAF. It includes induction and starting off in the RAF in England and then his sea voyage to South Africa, where he underwent initial training in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Ted Neale's account of when he was 18 at the Woolwich Arsenal. He tells of a bombing attack at the factory, which started just as they were leaving at 5pm.
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