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  • Tags: 99 Squadron

Norman relates some of the story of Jens Henning Fisker "Morian" Hansen shooting down a Me 110. He goes on to discuss various prisoners of war, including some who were murdered by the Gestapo after the escape from Stalag Luft 3 in March 1944.

Norman discusses photographs and names of personnel on them. He also mentions plans for book; 99 Squadron association; how various memorabilia, including logbook was obtained.

Norman mentions Evans twins on 99 Squadron and reference to Wellington as "Wimpies".

Norman discusses fate of aircraft R3170 and names Gerald Francis Saxon (755373 Royal Air Force).

Norman discusses accident involving 99 Squadron Wellington which had an engine failure after take off and crashed into a barn.

Norman mentions the personnel and roles of the Wellington development flight. He discusses the arrival of Wellington on squadron and conversion of crews. He notes that most pilots were NCOs. Norman discusses the difference between and problems with…

Small colour image of 99 Squadron badge.

Lists of Ceylonese in three batches and miscellaneous arrivals who volunteered for and joined the RAF with some details of their service. Includes b/w photograph of Sergeant Rex De Silva in 1943.

Group of 6 airmen in uniform in formal pose standing in front of an aircraft. The letters LN-B are visible on the aircraft. All 6 men are wearing side caps. Three men on the front row are wearing flying jackets. Reverse annotated with: '99 Sqn…

A wooden model of a Wellington Bomber that Bob Butler gave to his 10 year old nephew, Dick Heslop. Dick was told that the model had been painted with the genuine paints used to paint aircraft. The letters LN B, indicating 99 squadron, are painted…

Provides detail of personnel and acts for grand concert by 99 Squadron at RAF Jessore.

List serial and other data, including eventual fate, concerning squadron aircraft.

Include 99 Squadron crest and season's greetings.

Two servicemen and an local driver in the cab of a steam roller. Submitted with caption '99 Sqn Christmas '44 Dhubalia India. L to r WO Bill Welling, Flt Sgt Bill Lemar, Indian driver, Sqn Ldr Sandy Webster [Norman Didwell]' Additional information…

Five officers standing behind with seven airmen squatting and three sitting in front. In the background the nose of a Liberator. Supplied with key document with names of personnel in the photograph listed. Two versions of the same image.

A large group of airmen in tropical uniform lines up on dispersal with palm trees in the background. On the left part of a Wellington. Submitted with caption '99 Sqn line-up Jessore July '44 [Chota Ray via Norman Didwell]'. Additional information…

View of an airman looking out of the port cockpit window of a Liberator. Two rows of operation tally bombs symbols below cockpit. Submitted with caption '99 Sqn's CO Wg Cdr A Webster DSO DFC aboard Liberator 1945 [Norman Didwell]'. Additional…

View from cockpit of aircraft on finals for runway on an atoll. Submitted with caption 'Approaching Cocos Islands in 99 Sqn Liberator [Norman Didwell]'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor. Two versions of the same image,on the…

Eight airmen, six standing and two squatting in front. In the background part of a Wellington. Submitted with caption 'C-Charlie Feni 99 Sqn in India [Norman Didwell]'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Six airmen wearing tropical uniform, five in front sitting with pith helmets and one standing behind. All are in front of a DH-9 biplane. Submitted with caption 'DH.9A 99 Sqn Mianwali, India 1920'. Additional information kindly provided by the donor.

Names and data on personnel in unidentified photograph.

99 Squadron cooks and MT section, meal menu for new year 1945.

A pilot looking out of the cockpit window of a Liberator. Two rows of operation tally symbols on fuselage below cockpit. Submitted with caption ' Wg Cdr Sandy Webster DSO DFC 99 Sqn Liberator Cocos Islands 1945'. Additional information kindly…

List of men and dates on 99 (Madras Precidency) bomber Squadron No 3 Group.
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