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  • Tags: 27 OTU

Seven airmen arranged in a row. Their names are listed in a caption above. On the image is annotated 'LMG. 174. F/L Sherlock A.A. 427'
The wireless operator's listing is annotated with his training record.

27 O.T.U. 16 Course pilots, pose for a group photo. Captioned Back row from left to right 'Stockport, Adams, Dowring, Dallogley and Viney. Bottom row from left to right, Brasher, Brayne, Pilot Officer Morton, Flight Officer Whiting, Pilot Officer…

16 Course observers, pose for a group photo. Captioned Back row from left to right 'Birmingham, Piper, Evans, and Morant. Bottom row from left to right, Fouracres, Pilot Officer Longworth, Pilot Officer BelBin, Pilot Officer Andre and Henthenington.…

27 O.T.U. 16 Course wireless telegraphers and air gunners, pose for a group photograph. Captioned Back row from left to right 'Shrock, O’Neill, Radke, May, Martin, Monckton and Brown. Middle row from left to right, Lonsdale, McCrae, Simpson,…

No 27 O.T.U. No15 Course air gunners, pose for a group photo, with '398G' annotated on the upper right hand corner of the photo. captioned 'Back row from left to right, Arnold, Morris, Cox, Pearson and Henderson. Front row from left to right,…

No 27 O.T.U. No 15 Course wireless telegraphers and air gunners pose for a group photograph. '397G' annotated on the upper right hand corner of the photo. Captioned back row from left to right, 'Taylor, Spencer, Whitehead, Hartlett, and Sandilands.…

27 O.T.U. No 12 Course, wireless telegraphers and air gunners pose for a group photograph, dated the 4th of November 1941. Captioned 'Back row from left to right Godfrey, Muddle, Glaister and Dodd. Middle row from left to right, Crocket, Aird,…

27 O.T.U. No 9 Course, wireless telegraphers and air gunners pose for a group photo in front of a brick wall. Captioned 'Back row from left to right, Ledue, Gane, Ufton, Dutton and Woodward. Middle row from left to right, Diggins, Sherratt, Waite,…

27 O.T.U. No 10 Course, pilots and observers, pose for a group photograph. Captioned 'Back row from left to right, Barker, Neal, Dooglas, Dyson, Williams, Fanly, Johnson, Wood, Mayle, Mckinnon, Tew, Mckiggan, Murphy, Kent and Morgan. Middle row from…

No 27 O.T.U. No 11 Course wireless telegraphers and air gunners pose for a photograph outside of a building, dated 21/10/1941. Captioned 'Back row from left to right, Chamolas, Shuttleworth, Brazil, Morris, [ndy?], Mood, Gaitor, and McQueen. Bottom…

G593 27 O.T.U. 21 Course wireless telegraphers and air gunners pose for a photo outside of a building. Captioned 'Back row from left to right, Dobie, Garner, Brook and Bradford. Middle row from left to right, Darley, Waghdan, Duffey, Mackenzie,…

20 aircrew in three rows in front of a building. Captioned 'Back row left to right, Dawey, Bowen, Corke, Adamson. Centre row left to right Batten, Loveday, Clarke, Hutchinson, Traylen, O'Shaughnessy, Newton, [...], Front row left to right Johnson,…

Pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 21 October 1940 to 7 June 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAAF Mascot (4 EFTS), RAAF Amberley (3 SFTS), RAF Bassingbourn/Steeple Morden (11…

Pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 7 July 1943 to 18 September 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Lichfield (27 OTU) RAF Babdown Farm (3 FIS), USAAF (Smyrna AB), RAAF Ferry…

Shows maps of North Wales and the Midlands as well as an explanation of the Douglas protractor as well as diagrams of the Dalton computer and photographs of Wellington. Describes training at RAF Lichfield from end of March to 21 June 1944. Shows…

Royal Australian Air Force observer’s air gunner’s and W/T operator’s flying log book for H G Adams, navigator, covering the period from 11 May 1943 to 23 August 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He…

A.W. Green’s RCAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 14th January 1941 to 19th June 1942, detailing training and operations as a navigator. He was stationed at RCAF Base Port Albert (No. 1 Air Navigation School), Canadian Forces…

Frank Allnutt and crew aircrew posed in front of Wellington at 27 Operational Training Unit, RAF Lichfield. 'Back row l - r, Ken Brady, gunner, John Allnutt, gunner, Jack Smith, wireless operator, Ralph Williams navigator. front row l - r, John…

Frank Allnutt and crew with Wellington at 27 Operational Training Unit at RAF Lichfield in 1944. Crew posed in two rows, nose of Wellington behind them, another Wellington in background.

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Similar to the leaflets dropped by John Allnutt and his crew during their training at 27 OTU.

Luftwaffe dropping fake leaflets
Goebbels-Henriot producing fake leaflets, such as counterfeit ‘Le Courrier de l’Air’ newspapers, dropped…
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