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  • Tags: 220 Squadron

A cutting with details about 220 Squadron's involvement in Exercise Mariner. Includes airmen's reactions to food and entertainment at base.

L Mitchell’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 20 August 1953 to 31 October 1955. Detailing his operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Aldergrove (202 Squadron), RAF St Mawgan (School of Maritime Reconnaissance/236…

Frank was an aircraft spotter for the Local Defence Volunteers and volunteered to join the Royal Air Force as a pilot. He went to Calgary in Canada on the Empire Air Training Scheme, where he few Tiger Moths at the Elementary Training School. He…

Inside page of a Christmas Card, dated 1944. An officer in the style of Pilot Officer Prune with a moustache and red nose has a glass of champagne on one hand and a bottle in the other. Beside him are four more bottles. It carries the message 'Merry…

A list of the crew members making up the eight aircraft due to fly. Annotated in handwriting at the bottom are spare personnel.
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