Browse Items (242 total)

  • Public: Yes
  • Conforms To is exactly "Pending identification. Places"

Groups of men in uniform with side caps but no jackets stand outside two storey wooden buildings with suitcases, bags and other luggage.


A pile of kit bags by the open door of a coach near which are groups of men in uniform, without their jackets. Another two coaches are parked along the road, one with the sign 'Special' on the front. Opposite are buildings one with a sign for 'Dixon…

A single track railway runs along the coast with utility poles with wires above. A man in uniform and side cap stands with his leg resting on a wooden fence.


A Jeep with two men inside parked next to a small flat roofed building. A sign reads ‘Flying School Police Department’. Two men in uniform with white sashes and gloves stand alongside. A woman in civilian clothes walks nearby.

A chapel with spire with trees and cars parked alongside. To the left are three barrack style buildings amongst a series of utility poles.


A building with pitched roof to one side of a large open space on which goal posts are set and a man is walking. To the left is a flagpole from which the United States flag flies. Utility posts are erected on the building and across the site. Other…

Various single and two storey buildings arranged around an open space with trees beyond. Utility poles cross the site and a United States flag flies from a flagpole with a group of men at its base. There is a road in the foreground and two parked…


A single storey building with a sign reading ‘Elev 470’ on its side. An ambulance is parked in front with four men sat on a collection of wooded benches and crates. A loud speaker is fixed to a small extension to the building.

A two storey building set in open ground with bushes planted along the frontage. The United States flag flies from a flagpole in front and a water tower is behind.

A man and two women, all in civilian clothes walking on town pavement with shops and other buildings around.

Top left - a group of airmen sitting on a bench and the ground in front of a brick building. Top right - a single story brick building with small tower at right angle to another two story building. Possible officers mess. Second row - a group of…

A group of 48 trainee airmen with four trainers. They are arranged in five rows outside a 'Refreshment Lounge'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Much of the ground detail is visible.
It is captioned ' 1 HRS 380 101 NT Z 11.9.41'.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. Most of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire but a river is visible at the top right.
It is captioned '2. U XI 101 NT 28.3.42 F8 -->'

An air to air image of the port side of a Halifax.


This page is an entry point for a place. While the spelling of this V-weapon site in France has been corroborated by multiple sources, the Archive team has not been able to accurately locate it.Please email usif you can provide additional information…

A crowd of people surrounding a vehicle. Clergymen stand behind a group of men on a dais arranged behind a union flag. One of the men is holds some paper and is standing with a microphone. To one side men stand with rifles at their side. On a…

Left: Mike sat in a deck chair with his pipe, reading a magazine. Captioned, 'Mike July 1940 at Burnham'.
Right: Sat on a wooden bench in a suit, holding his pipe. Captioned, 'Mike again Spring 1940'.
Bottom: Mike in a suit standing on a pavement…

Left page:
Top, 34 boys, arranged in four rows with a man standing alongside.
Bottom, recollections of Andrew and his time spent as a cadet and his career in the Royal Air Force.
Right page:
Book of remembrance on a pedestal with a wreath with…

Left page:
Top left, a young boy in a sailor suit.
Right, a boy wearing a kilt and holding a sword.
Middle row, left, a group of men and women arranged on the steps by an open doorway.
Centre, a young child in coat, hat and boots.
Bottom, three…

Alf and Margaret on their wedding day standing on the steps outside Maxton Hall.
On the reverse 'Uncle Den Morrill and Margaret, Maxton Hall Wedding Day'.

16 photographs.
#1 a house with palm trees.
#2 a man, donkey and cart.
#3 a boy sitting on steps beside a deck chair.
#4 is Fred and two boys with their car behind.
#5 is four boys about to dive into a pool.
#6 and 12 is a family group sitting…


45 airmen arranged in four rows.
On the reverse some of the airmen have signed their names.

#1 is a still life image of flowers in a vase.
#2 is Gladys sitting on a beach, annotated '1936'.
#3 is a man sitting on a railing, annotated '1936'.
#4 is a half length portrait of a woman, annotated [indecipherable].

#1 is three airmen standing in front of a Fairey Battle. #2 is an oblique aerial photograph of an American town partly framed by an aircraft wing. It is annotated 'America'. #3 is an oblique aerial view of two hotels and a beach, annotated 'Miami…
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