Browse Items (57 total)

  • Tags: RAF Uxbridge
  • Type starts with "Text"

Includes some personal details including service from 13 April 1942 until 24 April 1946. Includes certificate of service and release with persona data, details of service and character reference.

An envelope with a small collection of photos, annotated RAF Uxbridge.

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.

RAF Form 543 recording DJH Maltby's service record.

A summary of Tom's early life, marriage and service career. Includes a description of his aircraft being shot down over Wetten, with photographs of his caterpillar badge and postcard to his wife confirming he was a prisoner of war and his…

Group Captain Blacklock writes of his life, from his youth to the award of his DFC by the King.

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Harold Jack Lazenby's autobiography.

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Handwritten on the inside of the album cover. The stations include Uxbridge, Cambridge, Bassingbourne, Dumfries, Harwell, Lossiemouth, Newton, Manby, Dalcross, Regents Park, Harlow, St Andrews, Moncton NB, Prince Albert, Sask, Dauphin Man.

A biography of Anthony David Lambert. He joined the RAFVR at age 19. He was shot down over the Baltic Sea and was able to swim ashore, where he was captured. He took part in the Long March. After the war he remained in the RAF.

Contains dates of Ward's service in the RAFVR, his transfer to and date of release from the Reserve. Also gives his rank and trade and assessmentsof his character and proficiency and his date of birth.
There is also a handwritten note that he…

Edward's letter advises he is promoted to T/W/O.

An autobiography of Jim Taylor's time in the RAF before the war. He spent time training with Oliver Bell, who is recorded in the memoir.

Frank was a Squadron Leader Navigator posted to 11 Group HQ at Uxbridge as Group Navigator Officer. Was assessed as 'Fit for promotion.'
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