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  • Tags: 199 Squadron
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The letter advises Doreen that he husband is missing in action. The possibility that he husband may have escaped or taken prisoner is mentioned.

The first letter is from the Air Ministry and is in response to a request to return her husband's bicycle.
The second letter is a reply to a request to send a last letter from her husband.

Five verse poem about converting a squadron from Wellington to Stirling.

Arthur Ward’s Flying Log Book as an air bomber from 20 November 1942 until 27 August 1944 on completion of his operational tour. Trained at No. 10 Advanced Flying Unit, 27 Operational Training Unit 30 Operational Training Unit, 1651 Conversion…

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for Robert Kirkbright covering the period 1 August 1942 to 26 November 1943. Details his training and operational duties. He flew 26 night time operations as bomb aimer with 199 Squadron. Operations…
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