Browse Items (8 total)

  • Tags: RAF Uxbridge
  • Type is exactly "Text. Service material"

Includes some personal details including service from 13 April 1942 until 24 April 1946. Includes certificate of service and release with persona data, details of service and character reference.

Contains dates of Ward's service in the RAFVR, his transfer to and date of release from the Reserve. Also gives his rank and trade and assessmentsof his character and proficiency and his date of birth.
There is also a handwritten note that he…

Edward's letter advises he is promoted to T/W/O.

Covering his service between 20 Oct 1939 and 13 May 1946. Form a replacement compiled on 5 Jan 1953.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Contains personal information and postings/locations from joining to discharge on 28 February 1947. Notes that he was reported missing on 27 August 1940, was subsequently interned in Tunisia. Notes he was recommended for commission.
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