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  • Tags: RAF Foulsham
  • Type is exactly "Text. Correspondence"

The letter advises that he has no further news about her husband.

John writes that there was a panic early in the morning. She has been bombed but John says it won't happen again.

John thanks her for her letter. He discusses maternity care and his bank balance. His fellow officers have been getting drunk in Norwich and he disapproves.

John writes that he is due some leave at the end of the month. He describes his day.

John writes that it is easier to write in his new room and it keeps him away from the drinking sessions. His wife is pregnant again.

John writes that a cheque for £33 19/- has been sent to their bank. He then tries to explain the calculation. They have had a Gang show which was very funny.

John writes that he is now an officer and has moved into the mess with some of his old friends. His new accommodation is much cleaner.

John promises to sort out his letters. He thanks her for his Christmas parcel. His concert performance was well received. He has been playing rugby.

John writes that he has been working very hard on preparing for a Christmas concert.

John asks if she is managing the letting of their flats. He has been shopping for presents for his daughter, Wendy. He should be arriving on leave in a couple of days.

The letter advises that her husband and his crew members are presumed dead. His aircraft was forced down into the sea by enemy fighters.

Humorous requests permission to go to Wales. Signed Thomas the Bomb. Approved by Wing Commander Donaldson 192 Squadron. Stamped 'Historic Document No __ permanent preservation, transfer to air ministry (A.H.B.) custody when closed'.

Thanks David for letter and assistance. Regrets hearing of more losses on the squadron.

Notes that Acting Wing Commander David Donaldson D.S.O and bar, D.F.C, R.A.F.V.R was mobilised on 3 September 1939 until 1st October 1945.

Writes to inform David of two crews coming to him from training unit; Flying Officer Stephens and Flying Officer Mitchell. Catches up with news.

Congratulates the warrant officer on the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross.

Sends congratulations and is full of pride. Telephone out of order.

Letter to catering officer of RAF Foulsham thanking him for excellent catering arrangements for party on previous night.

Commiserates with him over lack of available aircraft at conversion unit. Mentions possibility of training on squadron aircraft in the future.

Covering letter for references for two men, one a navigator who was about the best on the squadron.

Thanks him for having allowed them six barrels of beer for a farewell party for aircrew leaving the squadron.

Congratulates the flying officer on his award of Distinguished Flying Cross

Concerns defects on a H2S Halifax lent to squadron by B.D.U. Writes that working party sent but repair will take a little longer than a week.
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