Aerial vertical photograph of Wilton Shipyards. On the left the Nieuwe Maas river with entrance to Vijfsluizen basin (Wiltonhaven). Several small craft are leaving it and spreading out on the river. Just inside the entrance, on the top side, several…
Aerial vertical photograph of docks. A wide river runs from top centre diagonally to bottom left. At the top an inlet and on the right side a road runs top to bottom. Below the inlet and between road and river is a large basin with docks running off…
An aerial vertical photograph of docks. On the right a series of interconnected canals and basins. A road runs from top right to middle bottom crossing the canal over narrow channel. A large basin goes from top left to the centre with several ships…
Approximately 100 personnel in four rows in front of a Ventura. Most of the front row are officers wearing peaked caps. The remaining rows are mostly airmen. In the background an open grass area with a church on the horizon on the left. Captioned…