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  • Tags: Pathfinders

The notes indicate the bomb distribution in the bomb bay, target, aircraft code 'M', the total weight of the bomb load, the all up weight of the aircraft, height of the bombing and heading and target indicator colours. The target was Mailly-le-Camp.…

The notes indicate the bomb distribution in the bomb bay, target, the total weight of the bomb load, the all up weight of the aircraft, height of the bombing and heading and target indicator colours. Notes give further details about pathfinder…

The notes indicate the bomb distribution in the bomb bay, target, the total weight of the bomb load, the all up weight of the aircraft, height of the bombing, forecast winds and heading and target indicator colours.
Notes at the foot give further…

The notes indicate the bomb distribution in the bomb bay, the total weight of the bomb load, the all up weight of the aircraft, height of the bombing, forecast winds and heading and target indicator colours.
Aircraft code 'G'.
On the reverse are…

The notes indicate the bomb distribution in the bomb bay, the total weight of the bomb load, the all up weight of the aircraft, height of the bombing, forecast winds and heading and target indicator colours.
Aircraft code 'G'.
On the reverse…

The notes indicate the bomb distribution in the bomb bay, the total weight of the bomb load, the all up weight of the aircraft, height of the bombing, forecast winds and heading and target indicator colours.
Aircraft code 'G'.
Target is Saint…

The notes indicate the bomb distribution in the bomb bay, the total weight of the bomb load, the all up weight of the aircraft, height of the bombing, forecast winds and heading and target indicator colours.
Aircraft code 'G'.
Target was Aunay.

The notes indicate the bomb distribution in the bomb bay, the total weight of the bomb load, the all up weight of the aircraft, height of the bombing, forecast winds and heading and target indicator colours.
Aircraft code 'G'.
On the reverse are…

Shows one bomb load for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, effort level and method including target marking by Pathfinder Mosquito. On the reverse, route, wave details and heights.

Shows single bomb load for squadron. Includes preselection settings, Window, zero hour and effort level. Describes method including target marking by Pathfinder Mosquito. On the reverse the route and notes.

Annotated 'Stuttgart, MINOL YLXZTU'. Shows three bomb loads for operation. Details preselection, delay and false height settings and other information. Includes weights, Window, effort level and marking method. Mentions Pathfinders, route marking and…

Shows four bomb loads for four, seven, two and two aircraft respectively. Details distributor and preselection settings and other information. Includes timing, window, weights, H+ times for waves one to three and notes on illumination. On the reverse…

Shows two bomb loads for operation, one for fourteen aircraft the other for four. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as route, timings and other details. On the reverse pathfinder marking and bombing instruction. At…

Shows a number of bomb loads for operation. Details preselection, delay and false height settings and other information. Includes weights, Window, effort level, route, marking method. Pathfinders, and bombing instructions. On the reverse more bombing…

Shows one bomb load for eight aircraft and one reserve for bombing and one load for seven aircraft for mine laying. Includes distributor, preselection and false height settings for main. Includes timings and number of squadron aircraft in which wave.…

Indicates three bomb loads for operation. Details weights, preselection and time interval settings, timings and Window. Covers route and target marking and methods, pathfinder details and bombing instructions. Page is struck through with red lines…

Shows several bomb loads for operation. Details preselection and false height settings and other information. Includes weights, Window, timings, route and marking method. Mentions Pathfinders and notes bombing instructions. Page is struck through and…

Shows one bomb load. Includes preselection zero hour and method including target marking. Mentions Pathfinder Mosquito will mark target and then 15 aircraft of 617 Squadron will illuminate. 'Scrubbed' in large letters across the page. On the reverse…

Shows single bomb load with weights as well as distributor and false height settings. Indicates timings and Window. On the reverse marking and timings by Mosquito and Pathfinder Force Mosquito as well as other details.

Shows two bomb loads for operation. Details weights, preselection and time interval settings as well as other information. Shows timings as well as route and target marking, Window, Pathfinders and main force, aiming instructions and backup plans. On…

Shows two bomb loads for seven and eleven aircraft respectively. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings. Annotated 'AMN65, ANM 59'. Includes take of and time ion target as well as H= times for six waves. On the reverse notes that…

Annotated at the top 'Minols, OK'. Shows three bomb loads for operation. Details preselection and other settings for bombs. Includes weights, timings, Window, effort level, route, waves , marking method and bombing instructions. Annotated 'Frankfurt'…

Shows four bomb loads. Details preselection settings and other information. Includes weights, Window, timings, route, marking method, Pathfinder timings and bombing instructions. Mentions spoof fighter flares and spoof Mosquito on Berlin. Page is…

Shows two bomb loads for operation, one for six aircraft the other for seven. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as Window, timing, bombing heights and wave H+ times for four waves. On the reverse Pathfinder marking,…

Shows four bomb loads. Details preselection settings and other information. Includes weights, timing, Window, effort level, route and wave allocation and timings. The page is struck througfh and annotated 'Scrubbed' in large letters. On the reverse…
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