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  • Tags: reconnaissance photograph

Reconnaissance photograph showing the Munich Residenz gutted. Captioned between pages 66-67 of 1956 Memoir '[underlined] Munich [/underlined] after 5 Group of Bomber Command raid 24th April 1944 [written vertically down left hand side of page]'. On…

Aerial photographs taken from directly above showing damaged buildings, the railway station, rail bridge over the Rhine and the cathedral. Captioned 'Cologne, AMPS/767/92 4-7-43'.

Propaganda leaflet featuring an aerial vertical photograph of Hamburg after a Royal Air Force operation. Buildings are either completely destroyed or gutted, light falling through the gaping windows. Text describes fronts closing in, the Royal Air…

Vertical aerial photograph of Llandudno and Llandudno Bay taken during training operations. Craig-Y-Don Paddling Pool is the oval feature at left end of North Shore beach. Main road running top to bottom is Conway Road. Llandudno railway station and…

Vertical aerial photograph of Ramsey, Isle of Man. Queen’s Pier is in centre of photograph, with Sulby River and Ramsey Harbour to the right. On the reverse is handwritten 'B/A Allen Nav Beyak 15/5/43'.

Two low angle oblique aerial photographs of Sarnia oil refinery on the St Clair River. Photograph 1 is mostly storage tanks; photograph 2 is of tanks and production facilities.

Identification kindly provided by Richard Evans of the Finding the…

A newspaper cutting showing Heligoland before and after it was bombed by Lancasters.

Three photograph cuttings with text cutting at bottom. Photograph 1 shows multiple industrial buildings with railway lines running top left to bottom right. There is damage to roof of buildings on the right. Photograph 2 shows Krupps works before the…

Two photographs. Top showing Mohne dam breached in the centre with lake on the rights. Bottom photograph shows the dam before the attack.

Photograph shows the breached sea wall at Flushing, captioned 'Flushing Sea Wall, Second supplement, K3265, Distribution 23B'. Caption at top of photograph: '3002 106G3317.12.OCT.44 F/36"//541 SQDN'.
Reverse has stamp 'Intelligence section RAF…

Photograph of railway yard, captioned 'Hanau Rail Center and Town, K3741 Dist 91C+', includes directional arrow. Bottom right caption: 2932. Top caption: '3042 106G.4272.14.FEB.45 F/36"//540 SQDN←'.

Photograph of a marshalling yard. Inverted caption: 'VAIRES M/Y Near Paris Imm Report K2665' includes directional arrow pointing north. Caption at top of photograph: '4063 106G.1316.8.JULY.44. F/36"//542SQDN←'.

Photograph shows coastline with fires burning, captioned 'Heligoland K4298, Dist 23c' including directional arrow. Caption at top of photograph: '4008 106G.5377.18.APR.45.F/36"//542 SQDN→ 4'. Caption in right hand bottom corner of photograph:…

Reconnaissance photograph of a port city with sea to the right and a river running centre right to left. Docks above and below river mouth. Photograph caption '622 W/642. I.P.R.U. 27.5.41. F/20:R↑'. Page caption 'Brest'.

Top left - reconnaissance photograph showing the port of Dieppe. Basin running middle left to top right with many barges tied up. River runs above top edge of basin with industrial building between. Below basin more industrial buildings and a further…

Photograph shows coastline with breached sea wall, captioned 'WESTKAPELLE K3300, Dist 23B, 0017 106G3369.18 Oct .44 F/8".115 Degrees'. Reverse, captioned 'Oblique Westkapelle Netherlands'.

An annotated vertical aerial photograph of naval facilities at Heligoland. U boat pens and a burnt out oil storage facility are marked.

Photograph one is an oblique aerial photograph of Hamm, showing extensive damage and bomb craters throughout.
Photograph two is a vertical aerial photograph of Brest naval base and ports, with numbered annotation.

A vertical aerial photograph of Mainz. The
top right of the image shows the Rhine. The
bridge is Theodor-Heuss Brucke. The large
L shaped building to its left is Kurfurstliches
Schloss with various large government
buildings below it. The wide…

A vertical aerial photograph of Mainz Hoesch Benzin Synthetic Oil Plant, and Westfalenhutte steelworks located north-east of Dortmund city. The image shows cloud, craters, and extensive bomb damage amongst the predominately factory and other…

A vertical aerial photograph of the synthetic oil plant at Lutzkendorf, near Leipzig. The Geiseltalsee is the body of water at the top of the image. A railway line with sidings runs through the image from left to right. Possibly more sidings to top…

A vertical aerial photograph of Koblenz in early 1945 showing widespread damage to buildings with large areas completely destroyed. Bomb craters can be seen in several places. A railway marshalling yard is to centre left and the railway lines then…

A vertical aerial photograph of Mannheim. The left of the image is shrouded by clouds. The main river running left to right is the Neckar. The spur below it being the Bonadieshafen and the one above it the Verbindungskanal. The road bridge crossing…

A vertical aerial photograph of Berlin showing heavy bomb damage. The body of water is the Rummelsburger See, with the railway station of Ostkreuz to the left of it at the confluence of railway tracks running from lower left to top right and from…

A vertical aerial photograph of Frankfurt showing extensive damage. Frankfurt Haupt-Bahnhof is shown lower right, with the main lines running across to lower left corner. In the centre of the photograph is a large industrial plant with extensive…
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