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  • Tags: 115 Squadron

Two airmen; one standing in front of an armoured car the other manning its machine gun.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Gunnery Officer and Armoured car. Is this the Gunnery Leader?'
No 115 Squadron, RAF Witchford.'

Six air gunners, three standing and three kneeling on a brick structure. From information kindly provided by the donor. '115 Gunners'.
RAF Witchford.

Samual Guyan's last operation of his second tour, Lancaster NG236 to Huls.

Joined in 1942 and then details training and tour on 115 Squadron, gunnery course, tours as gunnery instructor. Further tour with 625 Squadron, crashed twice before another instructors tour. Mentions 14 ops on first tour and 20 on second. Comments on…

Top - air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster letter 'KO-J' DS626 over open countryside. The pilot was Sergeant G P Finnerty. Captioned 'Our aircraft homeward bound, after a night out. (of a different kind) 115 Squadron, March 1943'.
Bottom right -…

Relates events during operation to Essen on 12/13 March 1943. Enemy fighter attacked and was engaged and hit by rear gunner. Claimed as damaged. After releasing bombs in heavy anti-aircraft fire and searchlights rear gunner engaged Me 109. Gunner…

Note listing 1st tour crew. 'Pat Finnerty DFM, Nav C Boyes, F/E Cowling, W/O T Bellamy, B/A H Jones, M/U T J Page DFM, RG WBB, "J" was KO-J DS626 a Lancaster II with Hercules engines'.

On the left eight ground crew sitting and standing wearing belted leather jerkins. One man has a bandage on his head. On the right, six members of aircrew. They are standing underneath an aircraft.
1944-45. Far right: W G Didcote; standing, fourth…

Top left - six aircrew wearing battledress seated on the wing and outboard starboard engine of a bomber.
Top right - view from the rear of aircraft of six airmen standing on the port wing of a Lancaster. Two other Lancasters parked in the…

Top left - six airmen wearing battledress sitting on top of the starboard inner engine of a bomber.
Top right - seven aircrew wearing battledress sitting and lying on grass with side view of part of Lancaster in the background.
Bottom left - ten…

Top centre - rear quarter view of an airborne Lancaster with squadron letters 'KO-B' Captioned 'Blighty Bound, Bari' (Operation Dodge). Text lists 18 targets/operations, nine either side.

Seven aircrew wearing flying clothing, lifejackets and parachute harness, carrying parachutes, all walking in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'F/O Halloran [O'Halloran] and crew, "Lucky Luxton flew with this crew on trip to Merseburg 4/4/45, all were…

Target photograph showing roads with houses and fields and large amount of smoke in the centre. Captioned '3946 WIT 24.4.45//7" 8000 340 1043, Bad Oldesloe, 10ANM590T.2 ANM64DT.C32 secs F/O Rosser 115'. Underneath 'Bad Oldesloe, 115 Sqdns last raid'.

Congratulates him on award of DFC and ask how things are in 'civvy street'. States he was due out next April but is considering a deferment. Goes on to write about news from the squadron and his activities. Invites him to a party in the mess and…

Written in RAF pilot's flying log book by Sergeant, pilot Rosser, Lewis Victor, RAFVR - diary of night bombing operations. Gives date, aircraft, crew, target and description of each operation. Also included are extracts from the Bomber Command war…
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