Browse Items (825 total)

  • Tags: missing in action

Notes that Sergeant Alfred James Dickerson had been posted as missing following an operation over Germany. Gives some personal details and note he was due to be married. Photograph alongside.

From officer detailed to supervise the collection of his son's personal belongings advising actions taken to safeguard effects. Effects dispatch to central depository RAF Colnbrook.

Name. AUST 409259 Sgt Walker D F, Heidelberg Golf Club, Lower Plenty, Victoria, Auatralia' Address of Mrs D Walker in NSW Australia. Note 'Don reported missing April 8 1943'. Bottom right - family group photograph showing four men, three in uniform…

Six names, some with addresses. Jack C McCallum. John Bailey, Ron K McIntyre, Ian McGugan, Note 'Ian missing in middle East April 1944'. Dermot Hegarty and Ron S Harris.

Names and addresses of three Australian servicemen and one female relation. Sergeant Reece J G, (two addresses). Sergeant Heinwich and Mrs C W Heinwich. Sergeant Tony Story (Two addresses). Note at bottom right 'Tony reported missing after raid on…

Left - Full length image of an airman wearing unbuttoned tunic standing on grass with fence and trees in the background. Right - Newspaper cutting reporting Flt Engineer Sgt F A Cavadiao, RAF "missing believed killed in raid on Lorient. He had…

Lists crew missing on night 12/13 June 1944 and names of their next of kin.

Notifies him that his son Flying Officer Warren [sic] Arnold Monks was reported missing as a result of air operations on night 12/13 June 1944.

A half length portrait of a pilot. On the front is handwritten 'Missing Aircraft - After Dawn Vigil - w/cdr Burrows'.

A newspaper cutting, no source, no date, headed 'Have News?' seeking information about soldiers missing in action including George Grundy.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

Contains personal details and postings including to 514 Squadron in October 1943 as well as reported missing in April 1944 and then a prisoner of war.

telegram notification that Lancaster ME360 failed to return from an operation to Leipzig. Lists the crew and their next of kin.

Sent from 106 Squadron advising his mother that Aubrey had not returned from an operation.

The letter from the Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund asks if the family need any financial help after Aubrey's death.

Page from operational diary for attack on Dortmund with details of five crews including that of Flight Lieutenant A G Lang which is noted as failed to return. Includes details of the operation for the other four crews.

Informs he that her son Sgt P R Jenkinson was reported missing from operations on night 28 January 1945. Will inform her if any other information received.

Included description and personal details of service, postings and dates.

Includes in memory of Acting Flight Lieutenant Harold Leonard Fry previously reported missing now presumed killed.

Glass negative photograph of letter. Writes they had now concluded that his son had lost his life and his death had been presumed to have occurred on 29 January 1944.

RAF personnel record containing personal details, service record, postings and discharge.

A head and shoulders image of Roy Ellis mounted on a card. Attached is a cutting referring to Roy being missing August 1943 then known to have lost his life. Buried at Eindhoven, Holland. Handwritten annotation '3.4.44'. On the reverse is annotated…

Article concerning Sg Harold Moad previously reported missing is now reported as having lost his life. Gives some details of grave, enlistment and age. Mentions his brother is a prisoner of war. Contains full face b/w portrait. Two attached notes,…

Expresses sorrow that her husband, Bob, has been reported as missing. He writes that there is every possibility that he may have baled out or force landed in enemy territory and hopes that she will receive news of him soon.
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