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  • Tags: Me 110

A biography of Alan Green with personal photographs and headlines. It covers his training in Canada and UK. First squadron was 218 at Marham flying Wellingtons as a navigator, then Stirlings. He flew 22 operations and was shot down by friendly fire.…

Starts with hand drawn map of Normandy marking main towns. The author records his experience on or around D-Day of bailing out of an aircraft shot down and on fire, and the subsequent aid given to him by the French Resistance. He also records a…

A magazine with a collection of aerial photographs showing bombing damage in Germany, Industrial areas, railway stations, a port, a night fighter airfield, a factory, coastal defences at Cherbourg, catapult ships, Fiat G12 aircraft and a mystery…

Describes night battle with two Me 110 when all Lancaster's lights came on when electrical system was hit. mentions actions of wireless operator and air gunners one of whom was badly wounded.

Letter from the pilot of Barry's aircraft relating events during operation to Leipzig on 19 February 1944. Describes attacks by Me 110, Barry wright being wounded and refusing to leave his post. Urges them not to worry about his wounds. Mentions that…

Left - Dovercourt Man gets GCM - part of cutting also on the right side.

Top center - crippled bomber lights full on won dog-fight. Account of enemy fighter attack on a bomber, wounding four crew and damaged aircraft. One enemy hit and the other…

For September 1943. Table with date of combat, rank and name of air gunner, type of attack, evasion action taken by bomber, comment on evasion, claims, damage to bomber, type of aircraft engaged, no of rounds fired, Monica or Boozer fitted, warning…

Tells of engagement by enemy Me-110s in area of Stendal when the flight engineer, mid upper gunner, navigator and wireless operator were wounded. The aircraft suffered damaged and suffered further attacks but one enemy fighter was probably destroyed.…

Wright BC.pdf
Navigator’s air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for B C Wright, flight engineer, covering the period from 11 July 1943 to 29 May 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF St…

Photo 1 is a starboard/rear view of the Me 309, a nosewheeled single seat fighter.
Photo 2 is a port view of the twin engined Me 410.

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Photo 1 is a front/port side view of a flying aircraft.
Photo 2 is two ground crew working on the nose of an aircraft.
Photo 3 is a port side view, on the ground.
Photo 4 is a front/port view from underneath.


Ex-Air Force POW Association news sheet. This edition covers a planned five-day reunion planned for August 1985, a planned convention of the National POW Association in Hamilton, a planned reunion at Toronto for RCAF and RAF veterans, a reminder that…

The news-sheet of the RAF ex-POW Association. This edition covers the recovery of a crashed Blenheim in Holland, Roy Winton's fourth visit to Barth in 2000, the proposed erection of a memorial to RAF POWs, the Fallingbostel memorial project,…

A leaflet with silhouettes of aircraft listed for the second grade test of the Royal Observer Corps Club. There are side, plan and head-on views of 62 aircraft. 53 views are included for the second grade test.

A booklet with silhouettes of aircraft listed for the third grade test of the Royal Observer Corps Club. Each of the 62 aircraft is a black image seen from the side and plan.

In the foreground are two wrecked Luftwaffe aircraft. Behind are tents.


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