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  • Tags: Gibson, Guy Penrose (1918-1944)

Arthur Emlyn Williams was working as a pump operator at the mines, before he volunteered for the RAF. His mother hid his first recruitment letter. He trained at Lord’s Cricket Ground, and Number 2 Air-Gunnery school at Inverness, on Ansons. He…

Continues from Volume 1. Starts with chapter 16 which covers the design and production of the York. Chapter 17, the war effort and rewards. Continues with part V - into the jet era. Chapter 19 covers civil airliners and the Shackleton. Chapter 20:…

Sheila Rankine wanted to join the Women's Auxiliary Air Force but was conscripted to be a munitions factory worker. She worked at Rose's in Gainsborough, making the hydro-static fuses for bombs, including the Upkeep bouncing bomb. She met Guy Gibson…

Biography of Squadron Leader David James Baikie Wilson, DSO, DFC and Bar (1917 - 1947). He flew operations as a pilot with 214, 196 and 617 Squadrons before becoming Head of Aerodynamic Development and Testing, and Test-Pilot at A V Roe & Co Ltd.…

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Eddie Edmunds was born in Walthamstow and was educated at a grammar school, then joined an oil company. He eventually moved to the Electric Supply Company and became an accountant. Eddie had always wanted to fly so he initially joined the reserve and…

A brief explanation about the newspaper cuttings.

Cyril Gosling trained as an armourer at Kirby in Blackpool and was first posted to 49 Squadron where he worked on the guns and turrets. As part of his role he would go on flights in the bombers to check the guns accuracy by firing at drogues. On…

Ordered 1941 and built by A.V. Roe at Chadderton near Manchester as one of a batch of 620 between November 1943 and June 1943. Twenty of this batch either side of ED 932 (Gibson's aircraft) were modified as type 464 provisioning to enable Barnes…

A Top Secret document referring to the operation to the Ruhr dams. There is a general section describing the purpose of the operation, a section on defences and the priorities of the attack. There is a list of 19 aircraft and their crew from 617…

Top centre a title 'this photograph was taken the day after the attack on the dams of [..] pilots who took off for the dams only eleven returned'. Top centre a photograph of twelve pilots in two rows labelled 'Back row: Flt Lt Townsend, Flt Lt…

Five Group Newsletter, number 26, September 1944. Includes a foreword by the Air Officer Commanding, and features about operations, gardening, war effort, tactics, signals, air bombing, navigation, radar navigation, engineering, air sea rescue,…

33 airmen and one Naval Officer standing in front of Lancaster with Nickey Mouse / Admiral Prune II nose art and 11 bomb symbols. Guy Gibson is eigth from the left on the front row.
On the reverse ‘March 1943 ED593 Admiral Prune
Left to…

Three-quarter length portrait of on the left Guy Gibson in RAF uniform and arms crossed talking to Roy Chadwick to the right wearing suit. Behind them two other RAF officers and in the background on the right another group of servicemen. On the…

Half length portrait of Roy Chadwick on the left wearing suit and tie talking to Guy Gibson on the right wearing RAF uniform tunic. On the reverse 'A most famous photo. The original photo. Roy Chadwick CBE and Guy Gibson VC outside Buckingham Palace…

Half length portrait of two men. Roy Chadwick on the left wearing suit and tie is talking to Guy Gibson on the right wearing RAF uniform tunic. On the reverse 'Chadwick, Guy Gibson, 60 between arrows to top and bottom'.

Top - seven aircrew wearing various uniform or flying clothing standing in line under the engine of a bomber. Mick Martin is third from the right. Bertie Foxlee is on the left. Bottom - 22nd June 1943 Hungaria restaurant in London following the…

A group of five RAF officers four wearing uniform tunics and the last an overcoat accompany a civilian with overcoat, bowler hat and umbrella all walking toward camera. The officer second from the right is Wing Commander Guy Gibson. On the reverse…

Two civilians wearing overcoats and bowler hats walk in front of two RAF officers wearing uniform tunics. The officer on the right is Wing Commander Guy Gibson. On the reverse 'W/C G P Gibson V.C. D.S.O D.F.C and his visit to Trent Lane, Sat July…

Guy Gibson handing silver trophy to a flying officer while another servicemen looks on. On the reverse 'Guy Gibson'.

A newspaper cutting with a squadron photograph of 617 Squadron in front of a Lancaster. Guy Gibson is in the centre of the front row.

Squadron badge with lion with standard, squadron CVI, moto Pro Libertate. With signature of the King, Guy Gibson and others. Submitted with description 'Photo of the 1941 approval of the 106 Sqn badge, signed by HRH King George VI. Other signatures…

Top - aircrew member in battledress sitting on a bomb trolley with 8000lb bomb under an aircraft. Submitted with description 'An aircrew member in battledress with an illegible half-brevet sat on a bomb trolley under an unidentified aircraft. Also on…
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