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  • Tags: RAF Oulton

Detailing Leonard's birth in Biggleswade, his training history, squadrons served with and aircraft flown in and continued service following 1945. Completed by Leonard's daughter Jean Carter and her husband Clive.

Steve Ellams is the son of a wireless operator who flew in a number of different aircraft. During the war he flew initially in Sunderlands overseas before being posted back to the UK. He started operational flying in Bomber Command with 199 Special…

Rex was born in Toronto Canada in 1924 and grew up there, at aged 18 in 1942 he joined the RCAF as aircrew. He initially started training as the second member of a Mosquito crew but was later changed to wireless operator/air gunner and having…

Peter enrolled in the Air Training Corp before joining the Royal Air Force. He went to Walney Island, the Air Gunnery School, and was given the option of becoming a Bevin Boy or an air gunner choosing the latter. Following training on Ansons he…

Kenneth White trained as an air gunner. He was not sent to an Operational Training Unit but was sent straight to a squadron at RAF Oulton. He flew in B-17s with a special operator on board. On one occasion during an air test there was a fire on…

Andrew hitchhiked from Edmonton to Calgary and then on to Mountain View by train. Gunnery training was in a Bolingbroke which had a mid-upper turret; bombing training was done in an Anson. Andrew was then posted to navigation school in Quebec for…

Flight Sergeant H Maddox’s Flying Log Book as an Air Gunner from 2nd August 1944 until 24th July 1945. Initial training at No. 3 Bombing and Gunnery School in Canada. Training continued at Operational Training Unit 11 and 1699 Training Flight/Heavy…

Flying log book for George Ellams covering the period from 10 January 1942 to 30 June 1967. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. Also contains photographs and various RAF documents relating to his service, ranks, proficiency and…

Four airmen standing under the nose of a B-17. On the reverse 'Ted Bonner (WOP) Ben Bonas (Rear Gunner) Me! Ray Delisile (Port Waist Gunner) Aug 1944 Oulton. Norfolk 214 Sqdn 100 Gp'.

Outline draft notes for memoir. Mentions posting, Grimsby, flying control, Lancaster, people, dances, parties, heartbreak, Americans, Heathcliff, removal of camp, posting to Swannington, Mosquito and more.

Flying log book for Dennis Denton covering the period from 3 May 1941 to 8 March 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. Includes a map of part of France including the Vitry area, his Gunnery Course results, Certificates and…

First is of a crew of eight, standing by left mainwheel of a Stirling captioned 'The crew'. ' The crew of aircraft 'N' for Nan. no 199 Squadron from Nov 1944 till April 1945'.
Second is of ten individuals standing and kneeling in front of a…

Dennis Denton with four other aircrew, on the reverse,'Taken at Blickling Hall, July 1943', 'Left to right [?] Clutton, Les Heagerty, myself, Ted Pennell'. Also a note to Miss O'Keefe, Church Farm, explaining that he had cycled over to see her but…

12 aircrew posed in two rows on a grass area. Ronald Carpenter third from left in front row.
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