Browse Items (279 total)

  • Tags: B-24

A small wooden box with a 104 Squadron crest, an image of a B-24 and the text 'Flak Ship'. Inside is a typed piece of paper with '1215793 F/Sgt Norton'.

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for W H Shaw, wireless operator, covering the period from 26 November 1943 to 16 February 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying with 37 Squadron, 168…

William Jackson’s Flying Log Book 2 from 15th February 1943 until 26th November 1946. Posted to 23 Operational Training Unit, 15 Operational Training Unit (October 1943) and 1673 Heavy Conversion Unit (May 1944). Operational posting to 355 Squadron…

Observers and air gunners flying log book for Wiliam George Briley, covering the period from 2 December 1943 to 24 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and communication flight duties. He was stationed at, East London, RAF…

Flying log book for William Edwards, pilot. Covering the period 25 June 1942 to 31 January 1952. Details his training, operations and post-war civilian flying with Qantas. He was based at RAF Calveley, RAF Windrush, RAF Docking, RAF Church Broughton,…

Covers loading of aircraft, best position for centre of gravity for Avro York aircraft, servicing for transport command aircraft (York), and list of air publications for York. Followed by notes for Lancaster, weights, speeds, endurance, radio ranges.…

A list of 15 flights to and from Warsaw and aircrew. They cover from 13 Aug 1944 to 2 Nov 1944.

William Cross Memoir of a supply drop to Polish fighters. They lost an engine and struggled to maintain height. The pilot had bailed out leaving the rest of the crew to fly the aircraft. They landed successfully in Russian territory and met up with…

Multi-line poem describing a WAAF social visit, by invitation, to an American unit where they were entertained by the Glen Miller' orchestra.

Five items, Edward's description of the operation to bomb Panzer concentrations in woods, requested by Field Marshall Montgomery. As the operation was in daylight Edward was able to describe the scene not too long after D Day. There is also Edwards…

View out of the mid-upper turret of an airborne B-24


A side view of a B-24 Liberator with a front view of a second in the distance. The image is damaged by light.

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Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is nine airmen at the front of a B-24 'O', captioned 'Hastie & Crew Oulton 1944'.
Photo 2 is three airmen captioned 'Lawrence - self Oulton 1944'.
Photo 3 is a side view of a B-24 captioned 'Liberator O…

Air-to-air view of a B-24 with the code 'Q' on the fuselage; the port wing of second B-24 is partially visible on the right. Calibration markings along the edges.


Two B-24 in a desert landscape, one on the ground and one flying overhead at low altitude . A starter trolley is visible on the ground.


Air-to-air view of two B-24s in formation flying to the right. Below are clouds.


An air-to-air photograph of two B-24 Liberators.


Two airmen wearing khaki uniform standing under a tree with a local man. In the background a building and parked B-24s.


Two airmen wearing khaki uniform, one with battledress top, standing by the main undercarriage of a B-24.


Two airmen wearing khaki uniform, one with battledress top, standing by the main undercarriage of a B-24


Handwritten note giving brief details of the operation and a relevant newspaper cutting titled 'Dresden. 2,000-ton double RAF blow'.

Lists training details. Aircraft Anson and Battle in Australia. Advanced training in United Kingdom on Anson, Wellington and Halifax at West Freugh, Lichfield and Richall. Operational flying on Halifax 466 Squadron at RAF Driffield and 466 Squadron…
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