Browse Items (82 total)

  • Collection: Pope, Kenneth

Handwritten note giving brief details of operation and a relevant newspaper cutting titled 'Heavies bomb Munich'.


Brief notes describing operation.


Handwritten note giving brief details of the operation and a relevant newspaper cutting titled 'Barges littered the fields'.

Handwritten note with brief details of the operation. Two newspaper cuttings, one describing the operation titled 'RAF blast way for the army' and a map showing the area of operations.

Handwritten note giving brief details of the operation, due to cloud, brought the bombs back.


Handwritten notes giving brief details of the operations and two short newspaper cuttings, one titled '1000-raid. On Stuttgart and Nuremberg'.


Handwritten notes giving brief details of the operations and two relevant short newspaper cuttings, one titled 'Eight breaches both sides of flushing'.


Lancaster PO-Y on end of runway mistakenly captioned '6-10-45' (should be 6-10-44), 'First operation', '4hrs 30mins', 'BREMEN'. Personnel visible in the background.

Two photographs, one showing starboard side of Lancaster PO-Y, on it's dispersal undergoing servicing. The second showing three aircrew, in uniform smoking with runway caravan and another vehicle in the background.

Two photographs, one captioned 'Vic & Bill with "The Grog" taken when on leave', shows two individuals, one in uniform, holding three beer bottles standing outside a public house front door. The second captioned ' Some of the boys on their way to…


Lancaster PO-Y captioned 'Brand new PO-Y' is parked on taxiway on edge of airfield, wheel covers on, chocks in. Second item is a target photograph with identifying information removed.

Three photographs, one shows a loaded bomb trolley with two ground personnel with four dispersed Lancasters in background. Second shows Lancaster PO-Y on it's dispersal, row of bombs on grass, two dispersed Lancasters in background. Third is a target…

Target photograph of Merseburg. Captioned '3F', '5B', 7549 Wed. 14/15.1.45//NT 8"/O.18400 118 2100 MERSEBURG. S. 1x4000(Min) 9x500 GP (DT. 30secs. F/O CROSS. S. 467'.

Two photographs, the first captioned 'Ken', 'Bill W.O.P.', shows Ken with Bill Maurer, in uniform, with a corner of a building in the background. The second, captioned 'The Skipper ''Jimmy" just after his commission', showing his captain, in…

Three informal photographs, the first captioned '4 of the crew and 2 ground staff', shows the six, in uniform standing in front of the centre section of a Lancaster. The second captioned 'Some of the crew and ground staff', shows eight individuals,…

Three photographs, one captioned 'Bill Maurer W.O.P.' shows him in flying kit, sitting on one of a row of bombs. The second captioned 'Y for Yoke', shows the Lancaster on its dispersal, bomb doors open, group of figures under starboard wing. Third…

First photograph, captioned 'PO-Y the second', is Lancaster from port side, parked on dispersal pan, airfield in the the background. The second, captioned 'Bill Maurer W.O.P.' his upper torso in flying kit, including parachute harness and oxygen…

Six uniformed men, shrubs and part of a building in background. Captioned 'The Australian members of the crew'. and 'Darcy. Jim. Bill. Bill. Malcolm. Vic.'

Kenneth Pope's crew with three members of their ground crew. The given names of the air crew are hand written above the photograph: 'Ken Darcy Jack Bill Jim Bill Vic'. Lancaster PO-Y in the background. A ground crew member walks along the port wing,…

Kenneth Pope's crew in uniform with four members of their ground staff, one with a cigarette. With Lancaster PO-Y in background. Captioned ' The crew and ground staff', 'Darcy Vic Bill Bill Ken Jim Jack'.

Kenneth Pope's crew in uniform standing in front of Lancaster PO-Y. Captioned 'The Crew', and 'Darcy, Ken, Tom, Vic, Bill, Bill, Jack'.

Three photographs, one group of eight airmen, some aircrew in uniform in front of left hand main wheel of large aircraft.
Second, of a sergeant in an overcoat with garden background, captioned 'In pensive mood at Lochlomand [sic] 'Bill…

Five photographs, three head and shoulders portraits of Kenneth Pope, one right side, one from front one looking half right, in jacket, shirt and tie captioned 'Sgt Pope',
Kenneth Pope and an airman in flying clothing with a trolley accumulator and…

Three photographs, two of members of Kenneth Pope's crew, in uniform, in a snow covered area in front of mess or barrack blocks. Third is of part of RAF Waddington, with snow covered, mess or barrack blocks in foreground, hangar and other large…

Air-to-air view of a Spitfire taken from a Lancaster cockpit, captioned 'On a training flight with Spitfires'.
Head and shoulders photograph of Kenneth Pope wearing flying helmet, Mae West and parachute harness in a Lancaster cockpit captioned 'Ken…
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