Browse Items (35 total)

  • Collection: Terras, Robert Wallace

Complete history of the aircraft from 1942 to placement in RAF Museum. Delivered to 83 Squadron at RAF Scampton. Lists all flights with crews and provides details of operations and other sorties. First operation was on 8/9 July 1942. Was founder…

Handwritten note to NCO I/C guardroom for LAC Davenport and Guy. Signed out from 83 Squadron B flight.

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Notes on rivets, metallurgy, production of iron and steel, patch repairs to solid drum tubes, fuselage skin repairs, main plane skin repairs, trailing edge repairs, further repairs to: cowling panels, hulls and flouts. Continues with hardening and…

Valid 1944-45 until last day in May. Entries for February to May 1945 as well as July and August.

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Asking what had happened to famous German U-boat commanders. Two versions of the same leaflet.

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Sent by the Royal Air Force askes who are the plutocrats on one side with a number of articles on the other.

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Large announcements on one side and detailed articles on the other.

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"Le Courrier de l'Air" sent via the RAF and distributed by French patriots. Alludes to political crisis in German military. Contains other war news articles.

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Headline "What does the annexation of Poland have to do with freedom and socialism" on one side and articles on the other.

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Claims that the RAF is getting stronger, the nights shorter, the Luftwaffe was helpless and showing several reconnaissance photographs of damage to Hamburg. Includes a quote by Churchill 'From now on we will bomb Germany on an ever larger scale,…

One side asks who are the plutocrats with cartoon of over indulging man. The other has articles with list of German military personnel. Delivered by the RAF.

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Contains news reference France, Holland, Poland, Norway. Two versions of the same leaflet.

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'We strike back' on one side and 'total war against the weak did not hurt you' with tombstones with Rotterdam, Warsaw, Leuven and Amiens.

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One side has map of northern Europe with increasing range rings from 1941 to 1943, Headline 'From the Maas to the Memel'. The other has information on the Royal Air Force an "V" sign.

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Luftpost dropped by the Royal Air Force. Article headline 'unlimited national emergency in the USA'. Other side has several articles including 'invasion dress rehearsal Crete' and 'Not yet arrived' about B-17.

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From printed book a photograph of crack in leading edge of the wing of He 111 which had run into cable of barrage balloon. Reverse has photograph of torpedo loading on a Beaufort.

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Cutting from book with diagram of petrol tanks and notes on self sealing tanks. Reverse side has truncated notes about Junkers self sealing tanks and diagram of de-icing system.

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Cutting from book with notes on self-sealing tanks with diagrams. Reverse side has notes on Junkers fuselage construction.

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For confectionery to be handed in to NAAFI when confectionary available.

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Entry for activities on 18 January including cold weather, work on Hampden aircraft and bombing attack on base he was working at.
Entry for activities on 26 February - working on aircraft hydraulic system, and then going to cinema.
Entry for…

Reporting letter from recruiting centre with instructions to report to centre and instructions.

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Includes work activity and complaints of cold. Mentions continuing to work during enemy bombing as comments on severity of raid. Mention of bombing Cardiff, defensive anti-aircraft fire. Goes on with 3rd Jan mentions frosty morning and working on…

List of names, and nickname, with service number and place of origin. Robert Wallace Terras is first on the list.

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Robert Terras's RAF Chedburgh ration card for chocolate and sugar confectionary.

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For LAC Terras R.W. with 83 Squadron stamp.

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