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- Collection: Wayman, Michael Myers. Album
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Course 16
A group of 24 airmen arranged in three rows in front of the steps of a building. Mike is standing back row, far left. The men are bareheaded and wearing arm bands on their left arms. A sign is in front, reading 'Course 16 Squad 2 23.9.40'. Captioned,…
Tags: aircrew; RAF Cranwell; training
139 Squadron
32 aircrew arranged in three rows in front of a Mosquito. Two further airmen look down from open windows in the building behind. Mike is front row, 3rd from the left.
Tags: 139 Squadron; aircrew; Mosquito; pilot; RAF Marham
Ready to fly
A member of the ground crew assists an airman with his parachute harness by the tail of a Mosquito.
Tags: aircrew; ground crew; Mosquito
139 Jamaica squadron
32 airmen in uniform arranged in three rows under the squadron coat of arms. Mike is front row, third from the left. Captioned '139 Squadron RAF - January 1943'.
A note identifying Mike. Captioned, 'front row 3rd from left both pic's'.
A note identifying Mike. Captioned, 'front row 3rd from left both pic's'.
Tags: 139 Squadron; aircrew; pilot
Wanda Morgan
Left: A woman playing golf. A golf bag with clubs is on the grass behind her. Captioned 'Wanda Morgan at work - just me!!'.
Right: A head and shoulder portrait of a woman with houses behind. Captioned 'Me looking rather vacant "oh my dear!!' '.
Right: A head and shoulder portrait of a woman with houses behind. Captioned 'Me looking rather vacant "oh my dear!!' '.
Tags: sport
AC2 Wayman
Mike in uniform and training cap. He is standing in front of the promenade with children playing on the field beyond. Captioned 'A.C.2. Wayman (Paington - Summer 1940).
Tags: aircrew; RAF Paignton; training
Presentation of cutlery
Mike, standing fourth right, with a group of six servicemen, one service woman and three me in suits. They are arranged in front of a glass fronted bookcase around a table on which is displayed canteens of cutlery and a crest. Captioned.…
Meeting the King
The mayor and lady mayoress being presented to the King. Two women and a man in army uniform stand alongside. A man in civilian clothes and another man in uniform stand in the background next to railings. Captioned, 'ma and pa Wayman meeting the King…
On their way
A group of nine airmen and and one ground personnel in the back of a lorry. Mike is fifth from the left. Captioned, 'Mike + the boys on the way to their planes before a raid (Summer 1941) Polebrook,',
Note reading 'centre back row head only'.
Note reading 'centre back row head only'.
Mike Myers
Left: Mike in suit and tie. Captioned, 'Mike in a serious mood!!'.
Right: Mike lying in the grass near the open door of a car. Two horses are alongside. Captioned, 'Mike recovering from a lunch-time binge!! (August 1939)'.
Right: Mike lying in the grass near the open door of a car. Two horses are alongside. Captioned, 'Mike recovering from a lunch-time binge!! (August 1939)'.
Tags: animal
In the office
An man in uniform sat at a desk with the telephone in his hand. Behind him is a noticeboard with paper pinned to it, Captioned, 'John looking most efficient in Bill's office (Driffield, Yorks, 1937)'.
Tags: RAF Driffield
A good weekend
Mike, in uniform and training half cap standing with a woman in a tweed suit. Captioned, 'A good weekend in Paignton'.
Tags: RAF Paignton; training