Browse Items (113 total)

  • Collection: Mansell, Edgar John

A sketch map of a prisoner of war camp. Individual barracks are numbered. On a post-it is written 'Map of Luckenwald or Belaria? Sagan, Leipzig [indecipherable]'.

A letter advising John's father that he was involved in an accident and sustained shock.

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The telegram wishes happy returns. It is annotated 'Telling us he had been recommended for a commission'. There is a post-it note with 'Join up. 17 Oct 1942. [indecipherable] birthday?'.

RAF Form 2168 notice paper issued to John Mansell.

A document issued by the German authorities.

RAF Form 1250 issued to John.

A German banknote.

32 soldiers arranged in three rows.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A large group of airmen arranged in four rows. On the reverse five men have signed their names. There is also a message 'Happy Landing [indecipherable]'.

Two copies of a group of trainee airmen. Individual airmen have signed their names round the outside. The copies have allowed all the signatures to be scanned.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…

A newspaper cutting with an article about life in prison of war camps.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The covers and foreword page of a book on learning German.

Two photographs of huts at Stalag 3A.

The cover, front page, foreword and Memorial Sheet of The Log. In particular it refers to the 51 prisoners of war who were murdered by the Germans.

The front cover, its reverse side and a message from the King and Queen about the workmanship in the book.

A newspaper report recording Field Marshall Smuts declaration that a coordinated triple attack will end Nazidom.

John writes that he is a prisoner of war. He asks for a toothbrush and paste, razor blades, underwear, socks, shirts and collars. He also asks for letters and parcels.

John repeats his request for items to be sent out. He says he is being treated well.

He is healthy and in good spirits. The educational classes have been temporarily suspended but they have a library. A Red Cross parcel recently arrived and they ate well for once.

He has had no letters from home. He has attended concerts. He wishes his mother happy birthday. He asks about family and friends.

John has received two letters. He also received a parcel of cigarettes. He is well and asking after family and friends.

John is studying maths, science, radio, German and philosophy. He asks for books on these subjects and Ohmav[sic] Light of Asia. He has been keeping busy.
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