Browse Items (113 total)

  • Collection: Mansell, Edgar John

A book kept by John during his internment as a POW. It has a comment made by Churchill when he was a POW, a poem to Bomber Command by Noel Coward, signatures of fellow POWs, notes on his early days as a POW, rations (not always received) and a list…

John writes from Stalag 3A on VE day. He is not sure when he will get home. He is very excited and has lots of plans.

The King's speech on May 8th 1945, VE day.

A newspaper cutting with an article about life in prison of war camps.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The telegram advises that John is missing.

Two papers with John's exam results, Spanish Stage I and II taken whilst a prisoner of war in Stalag Luft 3.

A formal record of statements made at their conference, the previous evening. POWs are being denied their freedom, food is inadequate and overcrowding is an issue. The Russians have refused to allow the evacuation of British and American POWs.
As a…

The cover, front page, foreword and Memorial Sheet of The Log. In particular it refers to the 51 prisoners of war who were murdered by the Germans.

Churchill's speech announcing the end of the Second World War.

The covers and foreword page of a book on learning German.

A sketch map of a prisoner of war camp. Individual barracks are numbered. On a post-it is written 'Map of Luckenwald or Belaria? Sagan, Leipzig [indecipherable]'.

A document issued by the German authorities.

A German banknote.

32 soldiers arranged in three rows.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A large group of airmen arranged in four rows. On the reverse five men have signed their names. There is also a message 'Happy Landing [indecipherable]'.

Two copies of a group of trainee airmen. Individual airmen have signed their names round the outside. The copies have allowed all the signatures to be scanned.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better…

Two photographs of huts at Stalag 3A.

The front cover, its reverse side and a message from the King and Queen about the workmanship in the book.

A newspaper report recording Field Marshall Smuts declaration that a coordinated triple attack will end Nazidom.

Two notes.
#1 requests electric circuit wire materials and tyre repair/ new bicycle materials.
#2 tyre repair materials

A series of documents detailing events at Luckenwalde in the final stages of the war.

A card allowing John to access the works department. Dated 28 April 1945.

News about the repatriation of prisoners of war. Steps have been taken to control watch stealing by the Russian guards. A dance has been organised.
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