Browse Items (113 total)

  • Collection: Mansell, Edgar John

John writes that he has received three more letters.

John writes that he has received seven letters from his parents. He thanks them for the parcels hat they have sent, but he has not received. There have been concerts at the camp.

John repeats his request for clothes. He is about to watch a film. He continues to study, in particular Spanish. He asks for chocolate. He is happy.

John writes that everything is the same but the weather is getting colder.

John writes that he has received two letters from his parents. He has been playing rugby and bridge. One sentence has been censored. He asks about family and friends. He wishes his parents a happy Christmas and prosperous New Year.

John writes that they have received a YMCA parcel and he chose a diary. The censor has blacked out two sections.

John writes thanking for photographs. He has formed a scientific association and is playing rugby. He wishes them a merry christmas.

John complains he has had little mail this month. He asks about Joy and Clive.

John writes that mail will be restricted for a month because of Christmas rules. Weather is cold.

John writes that he has had no mail. He watched a film which was old but very funny.

John writes that Christmas was good. They had beer and home made wine plus food parcels. He continues to study Spanish and Science. He asks for toothpaste and sunglasses as well as cigarettes.

John writes that he has received some letters but no parcels. One sentence has been deleted by the censor.

John writes that he has received several letters. He has been playing hockey and boxing. He has received parcels.

A postcard with John Mansell's address at Stalag IIIA.

John writes that he has received a letter from his parents and a parcel from Towser. He has a Spanish exam in July.

John writes that he has little news.He has been playing bridge and studying. The weather is still cold. He asks for shoes to be sent.

John writes that he has received three letter this month plus a parcel of cigarettes. He has been studying and reading.

John writes that he has had no letters for about a month but he has had a couple of book parcels. His studies continue. He has met a friend from Minehead, in the camp. He is going to a concert that evening.

John has received two letters from his parents and three letters from others. One sentence has been blacked out by the censor. He has had a couple of parcels.
There is a second copy.

John writes that letters from his parents have been arriving slowly. He is studying hard.

John writes that he has just received her letter. He asks about her family.

John writes that he has received their letters but no parcels. He has had no contact with fellow crew members except one man who was in hospital.

John writes he has been receiving letters. Weather has become spring like. Some entertainment is coming.

John wishes his dad happy birthday. He has received 200 cigarettes but he doesn't know who sent it. He has been playing hockey.

Alan writes thanking her for her letter and cigarettes. He has no contact with her son who is in a different camp.
[Alan and John were crew mates]
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