Browse Items (113 total)

  • Collection: Mansell, Edgar John

John is instructed to return to unit immediately.

A letter advising John's father that he was involved in an accident and sustained shock.

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Alan writes thanking her for her letter and cigarettes. He has no contact with her son who is in a different camp.
[Alan and John were crew mates]

Bernard writes that he is pleased John is OK and thanks her for the cigarettes.
The censor has blacked out one or two words.
[Bernard was a crew mate of John]

A newspaper cutting reporting that John Mansell is now recorded as a prisoner of war.

Two newspaper cuttings.
#1 is titled 'Huns move RAF POW camp'. The move was to transfer POWs away from Russian operations.
#2 refers to the transfer of RAF men westwards for release. A handwritten note states 'E. Standard 17/5/45'.

A memorial to fallen airmen 1939-1945.

This item is available only at the University of Lincoln.

RAF Form 2168 notice paper issued to John Mansell.

RAF Form 1250 issued to John.

RAF Form 2150 postponing John's calling up.

RAF Form 1376 sent to John Mansell.

The invoice is for five books to be sent to John at Stalag Luft 3.

The telegram wishes happy returns. It is annotated 'Telling us he had been recommended for a commission'. There is a post-it note with 'Join up. 17 Oct 1942. [indecipherable] birthday?'.

John writes that he is a prisoner of war. He asks for a toothbrush and paste, razor blades, underwear, socks, shirts and collars. He also asks for letters and parcels.

John repeats his request for items to be sent out. He says he is being treated well.

He is healthy and in good spirits. The educational classes have been temporarily suspended but they have a library. A Red Cross parcel recently arrived and they ate well for once.

He has had no letters from home. He has attended concerts. He wishes his mother happy birthday. He asks about family and friends.

John has received two letters. He also received a parcel of cigarettes. He is well and asking after family and friends.

John is studying maths, science, radio, German and philosophy. He asks for books on these subjects and Ohmav[sic] Light of Asia. He has been keeping busy.

John writes that he has received three more letters.

John writes that he has received seven letters from his parents. He thanks them for the parcels hat they have sent, but he has not received. There have been concerts at the camp.

John repeats his request for clothes. He is about to watch a film. He continues to study, in particular Spanish. He asks for chocolate. He is happy.

John writes that everything is the same but the weather is getting colder.
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