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  • Collection: Searle, Rex

Five photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an aerial view of Montaza bay, Alexandria with two large houses. Behind is a wide beach.
Photo 2 is a man swimming in the sea.
Photo 3 is four men sitting at a table. Behind is a beach bar.
Photo 4 is a…

A group of five airmen sitting in the sun at the side of a wooden cabin.

Three items from an album.
Item 1 is an entertainment pass.
Item 2 is a ticket for the Stalls at the Playhouse, Durban for 26th March 1941.
Item 3 is a ticket partly obscured.

Eleven photographs from an album.
Photo 1 a man paddling in the sea.
Photo 2 is two men on a rock waving a towel.
Photo 3 is three men sitting on chairs on the beach.
Photo 4 is a man standing on the beach. Behind is a barrel and a man in the…

Six aircraft from an album. Photo 1 is a Gloster Gladiator. Photo 2 is an airman wearing a pith helmet, standing at the front of a Blenheim. Photo 3 is a Hurricane. Photo 4 is a fighter aircraft tipped on its nose. Photo 5 is the same airman wearing…

Six photographs from an album. Photo 1 is a side view of a Vickers Valentia, annotated 'Valentia'. Photo 2 is a side view of a Hurricane. Photo 3 is a general airfield view with an aircraft tipped on its nose. Photo 4 is a flyby by a fighter…

Six photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a Spitfire ZX-K, annotated 'Spitfire'.
Photo 2 is the centre section of a Hurricane with an airman in the cockpit, annotated 'Hurricane'.
Photo 3 is a side view of a Vickers Victoria.
Photo 4 is a…

Five photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is two airmen standing by the wing tip of an aircraft.
Photo 2 is Rex standing by a small palm tree.
Photo 3 is Rex Searle standing in front of a wall of sand bags.
Photo 4 is a crashed RAF fighter on its…

Six photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is someone steering a dinghy.
Photo 2 is a local standing by a dinghy.
Photo 3 and 4 are the exterior of the club house.
Photo 5 and 6 are dinghies moored in the sea.


Three different group photographs. All the airmen are in tropical uniform.

Rex Searle in swimming trunks in front of a wooden cabin, on the beach.

Half length portrait of Rex Searle and another airman.

A group of about 59 airmen arranged in four rows in front of a Spitfire. It is captioned 'Test & Issues 103 MU Aug 1941'.

Five photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an airman sitting on the tail of a Spitfire , BP34[?].
Photo 2 is a half length portrait of two airmen, including Rex.
Photo 3 is an airman sitting on the tail of a Spitfire, BP34[?].
Photo 4 is four…

Twp photographs of the RAF Reception Depot at West Drayon, from an album. They are captioned on the image.

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a man and two women walking in their best clothes.
Photo 2 is a man and woman standing by their front door.

Three sheets of a newsletter describing forthcoming events plus adverts.

A Christmas Card sent by Rex Searle.

A postcard of Africa with a native child sitting. On the reverse there is a reference to Freetown being their first port of call.

A list of friends and colleagues.

Two notes. The first is a letter with bus information and the second is a partly obscured list of names.

A postcard of a hilly area captioned 'Valley of a Thousand Hills, Natal'. There is also a clipping of 'Parted' by Patience Strong.

Four airmen positioned around a Magister. One is sitting in the cockpit, one sitting on the wing and two leaning on the wing.

A group of four airmen including Rex Searle.

Six airmen are leaning and sitting in a Miles Magister.
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