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  • Tags: aircrew

Extract from "But Not in Anger". Story of a Hastings of 53 Squadron on route from El Adam to Castel Benito Tripoli which shed a propeller blade which struck the fuselage injuring the co-pilot and cutting the tail control rods. Relates story of crew…

Sergeant Bird's crew award for the best photographs for August 1944. The artwork comprises a drawing of a Wellington with Bird and his crew, Boulton, Bentley, Dean and Beckett named below, set against a circular ribbon with the words: 'THE BEST…

The author is delighted that Les is safe, albeit a prisoner of war.

The writer informs Les' mother that Sergeant Hyde died of his wounds in Tripoli. He has had no news of the pilot, Wing Commander Pepper.

The writer expresses shock that Les' name has appeared on a list of deceased from the International Red Cross.

The writer has received letters and cards from Les' mother indicating he is alive.

The telegram advises her that her son is definitely a prisoner of war and not deceased.

The writer confirms that her son is definitely a prisoner of war.

A pass issued to Ted Neale authorising him to travel from CMF to UK.


A document with the battle order for the squadron. It lists each aircraft and each crew member for operations that night. Annotated on it is 'Taken from the Sergeant's Mess kitchen copy which was used to mark off the "Egg and Bacon" meals. The…

The telegram advises Ivy that her husband, George is missing. There is also a newspaper cutting stating an unidentified body was found beside seven identified airmen.

The telegram advises that Sandy is missing.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

The letter reports her son as missing but advising he may have escaped.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A form filled in for P A Upson, Navigator. It details 26 operations by date, day or night, location and duration.

A battle order for 186 Squadron for an operation to Gelsenkirchen. It details each aircraft and all seven crew members for each aircraft.

The letter reports that Doreen's husband is missing on an operation against Munchen. Included is a sheet with advice regarding publication of details of the circumstances of a casualty.

The letter advises Doreen that he husband is missing in action. The possibility that he husband may have escaped or taken prisoner is mentioned.

The first letter is from the Air Ministry and is in response to a request to return her husband's bicycle.
The second letter is a reply to a request to send a last letter from her husband.

The letter advises Terry that he is being promoted to Flight Lieutenant

RAF Form 1629 issued to Dick Curnock authorising him to drive vehicles on Government duty. On the reverse the vehicle types have been identified.


RAF Form 414 A issued to John Preston

Tags: ;

Group of trainees arranged in five rows. Each individual is named in the caption underneath

A list of 16 aircraft and crew lost between May and November 1942 from 301 Squadron.
Business card for P/O Harry William Bock, Polish Air Force.

A newsletter produced by the No 31 Bombing and Gunnery School, Picton, Ontario. It contains stories, mini-biographies of station personnel, poems, reviews of Picton cafes, a pantomime, news and views, sport and entertainment and cartoons.
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