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  • Tags: aircrew

16 airmen grouped together in a mess. Some are holding drinks. They are dressed in white or khaki shirts.

The 16 airmen are arranged in two rows at the tail of their Lancaster, GT-Q ND875.

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16 airmen arranged in front of a Vulcan

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A group of 18 arranged in two rows. Many have tankards of beer. Behind are three dummies in uniform.

A group of 16 air and ground crew arranged at the nose of a Lancaster.

16 trainees arranged in three rows. On the reverse each man has signed his name.

16 airmen arranged in two rows. They are trainees and are wearing sidecaps with white flashes. They have a sign with 'Class 'K' Course 66 Air Bombers Dafoe - Sask.' On the reverse is written 'November 1942'.

An operation to Essen with HE Batchelder pilot. Main force bombed Bonn but three aircraft from 102 Squadron were diverted to Essen to bomb using Gee. The aircraft was damaged and everyone baled out successfully. All were taken prisoner.

Two photographs of 163 Squadron.
Photo 1 is a group of airmen arranged in three rows in front of a Mosquito.
Photo 2 is a larger group of airmen arranged in six rows in front of two Mosquitos.

17 men arranged in three rows. They are in Sidcot suits and are standing in the snow. Some have trainee flashes in their caps.

14 airmen arranged in three rows.


17 airmen, two dogs and a large model ship. The men are in tropical kit. Oliver is marked with a small cross above his head. On the reverse is handwritten 'Model of the ship Oliver (Dad) went to Aden on. (Approx age 18/19) 2nd in from right - back…

A mixed group comprising 17 airmen, three naval officers and one civilian. They are arranged in two rows in front of a single-storey wooden hut. On the reverse is '116 Sqn?'.

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A group of 18 airmen arranged in three rows around a sign stating 'WAAF Only. Out of Bounds to RAF'. One man has his arm in a sling.

18 RAF aircrew, submitted with caption; “207 Sqdn Flight Engineers section at Methwold. Feb.1946”

18 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Stearman. They are wearing flying gear and there is snow on the ground. On the reverse 'Dad in Canada 1943 Fourth from Left Back row'.

18 airmen are arranged in two rows, seated and standing. On the reverse 'Melbourne 10 Sqd Yorkshire 1944'.

18 men arranged in two rows at the side of a Lancaster.

A group of 18 airmen, 5 with trainee flashes, arranged in front of an Avro Anson. They are wearing khaki uniform and shorts.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

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18 airmen, including Teddy, arranged in two rows around an L shaped table. It is captioned 'Sgt AE Cosgrove (pictured seated 4th from left) in training. RAFVR 968259'.

List ten crews and aircraft. Sergeant W E Foster is rostered as mid upper gunner in the ninth listed crew. Includes a spare aircraft and details other personnel to various duties.

16 air cadets and three officers including Ernest Probyn. They are standing in front of an RAF Gnat.


Group portrait of 19 aircrew in two rows 10 standing and nine sitting on a bench with arms folded; all are wearing khaki drill open-necked shirts with rolled-up sleeves, shorts, long socks and shoes. Behind them is an Anson facing the camera showing…

19 men arranged in three rows. They are wearing Sidcot suits and standing in the snow in front of a building. Some of the men have trainee flashes in their caps. On the reverse 'Canada in training 1942'.
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