Browse Items (5 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1995"

Brian Walley's ditching in the North Sea and the loss of his crew members. He describes his return to Norderney in 1995. Later he made contact wit the families of his crew.

Article about the Bomber Command Association plan to mark the contribution Bomber Command made to the final victory in the war. Planned to coincide with the 50th anniversary of the end of the war. Both sides of cutting.

Black and white full-length portrait photograph of John Blair wearing civilian clothes with medals on his left breast, in front of a large, white building with portico. There are various people behind him: one is dressed in the uniform of a British…

Cadet G. H. Clarke’s RAF Navigator’s, Air Bomber’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 28 July 1942 to 23 May 1996, with a handwritten amendment stating “This logbook is an unofficial document”. It records flights and other civilian…

An account of how the operation came about and evolved. Describes the events leading up to the need for food relief in Holland, a brief account of how the operation was set up and executed.
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