Browse Items (11 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1984"

Left page:
Top - view through wrought iron gate of a stone church/chapel.
Bottom - several graveyard monumental tombs with stone building in the background.
Right page:
Captions on spine from top to bottom: '1984'. 'Winson 1984'.
Top left - top…

Top page:
Top left - view across rolling farmland.
Top right - view across harvested field with copse in distance.
Bottom left - view across open countryside.
Bottom right - hillsides with stone wall and small copse of trees.
Caption bottom…

Top left - close up of stone pavement.
Top right - tall stone wall by side of road.
Bottom left - stone pathway.
Bottom right - enclosure with stone wall and wooden gate.
Captions on spine: '1984' and 'Winson'.
Right page; photographs mounted…

Left page:
Top - view down a lane with stone wall on the left, of a stone barn on right with house beyond.
Bottom - view down and lane with stone wall on the right of a house in the distance.
Caption on spine 'Winson 1984'.
Right page:
Top -…

Top page:
Top left - view up of wooden roof beams.
Top right - view across lawn of a large three storey house with hedge in front. Other buildings off to the left,
Bottom left - b/w image of a large three storey house with small stone outbuilding…

Left page:
Top - view of church yard with church on left and houses on right.
Bottom - view of several stone houses in hamlet.
Captions down spine from top to bottom: '1984, 'School', 'Winson'.
Right page:
Captions down spine from top to bottom:…

Cadet G. H. Clarke’s RAF Navigator’s, Air Bomber’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 28 July 1942 to 23 May 1996, with a handwritten amendment stating “This logbook is an unofficial document”. It records flights and other civilian…

Student pilots progress book for E D Leaviss, covering the period from 17 September 1984 to 21 September 1984. Detailing his flight taken as a refresher course at London gliding club Dunstable. Aircraft flown was Schliecher K21.

Left page:
Top - view across a field of a hillside with trees. Top of building visible middle left.
Bottom - view across countryside of a farm complex in middle distance. Rolling hills behind.
Captions on spine top - 'The Mill' bottom 'Coln…

Transcript of conversation with Jim Lord (pilot) and his wireless operator Jack "Jock" Elliot. The recall crewing up and describe crew while at OTU. They mentions heavy conversion and talk about the comparison between Halifax and Lancaster aircraft.…

Left page:
Top left - view down lane of a small house on the left and a woman walking on the right.
Bottom left - view of parts of a stone barn on the right and house on the left.
Top right - b/w image of a stone filled-in Norman arch.
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