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  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-07-07"

Alan Gwilliam’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book from 29th September 1943 until 25th July 1953. Continued posting with 21 Service Flying Training School as an instructor. Posted to 76 Operational Training Unit in Palestine during March 1944 and then to…

George Cook’s Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 8th August 1940 until 4th September 1945. During this time trained as a wireless operator and air gunner. Initial training at No. 1 Electrical and Wireless School and No. 4 Bombing…

A wedding photograph of an airman and his bride. It is annotated 'To Jimmie with best wishes from Ena and Ben 7/7/45'.

Writes she was glad to get his letter but is unhappy about the way he is being messed about. She will just have to wait for him to come out of hospital. Concludes with mention of gardening.
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