Browse Items (30 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-04-23"

Flight Sergeant Archibald Steele’s Flying Log Book as a pilot and flight engineer from 20th April 1943 to 10th September 1945. Flying training started with 19 Elementary Flying Training School then at 12 and 36 Service Flying Training Schools in…

Flight Sergeant H Maddox’s Flying Log Book as an Air Gunner from 2nd August 1944 until 24th July 1945. Initial training at No. 3 Bombing and Gunnery School in Canada. Training continued at Operational Training Unit 11 and 1699 Training Flight/Heavy…

Contains addresses and notes about his travels around Great Britain his leave and operations he was sent on.

M A Niman’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 6th August 1941 to 2nd May 1945, detailing operations and instructional duties in the UK, Middle East and East Africa as a Wireless Operator/Air Gunner and “Special…

Royal Australian Air Force Log Book for Max Langworthy, pilot. Covers period 8 January 1943 to 15 February 1958. Includes his training, operations and post-war flying. He was based at RAF Babdown Farm, RAF Bibury, RAF Morton in Marsh, RAF Rufforth,…

Observer’s, air gunner’s and W/T operators flying log book for A Taylor, wireless operator, covering the period from 25 January 1943 to 3 November 1951. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAAF Parkes, RAAF…

A certificate from G. Q. parachute company appointing Flight Sergeant P J Hogan RAAF to be a member of the G Q Club. At top colour artwork showing a man on parachute against blue sky with white clouds.


Air Forces in India pilots flying log book for J D McCredie, covering the period from 12 August 1942 to 24 December 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying. He was stationed at RAAF Temora, RAAF Point Cook, RAF South…

A vertical aerial photograph of Bad Oldesloe. The road pattern is clearly visible despite intermittent cloud cover. it is annotated '1436 Ched 23-4-45//7" 18000 339° 1039 Bad.Oldesloe . E. 6 ANM. 65 DT .9.MC.500.DT.1.BSF.C.32 secs. F/L Guinane . A.…

Informs addressee that his son had been liberated and was due back in the England in near future. Asks to be sent pin as he only received membership card.

Pilots flying log book for W E Lucas, covering the period from 7 November 1940 to 18 February 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Derby, RAF Montrose, RAF Lossiemouth, RAF Honington,…

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for W H Shaw, wireless operator, covering the period from 26 November 1943 to 16 February 1947. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying with 37 Squadron, 168…

An annotated vertical aerial photograph of naval facilities at Heligoland. U boat pens and a burnt out oil storage facility are marked.

Announces that she will be coming tomorrow.

Pilots flying log book for J Barnes, covering the period from 10 December 1940 to 6 march 1946 and 24 September 1948 to 2 march 1951. Detailing his flying training, Instructor duties, operations flown and post war flying duties. He was stationed at…

A half length portrait of James Hooker in naval uniform captioned 'Brother James William first photograph in uniform 1938.' Also included is a photograph of a gravestone for Hilda Ruth Hooker and James William Hooker who died in a prisoner of war…

Issued to Ted Neale to travel from Medme Comm Squadron to 144 MU MAAF Rear Comm Flight.


Reconnaissance photograph of a small town in an agricultural location. A river is winding through the left hand side of the photograph, and a road runs top to bottom. Between the road and the river is a railway line. Several trains can be seen in a…
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