Browse Items (69 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-03-15"

A document allowing Jim Hardy to enter Yugoslavia.

Page is titled 'Operational details of raids carried out over Germany, Holland and France, details of our flight log book of bombing raids.' It is in the form of a table recording Date, Target, Country, Duration and Comments. The summary at the end…

Navigators, air bombers, air gunners and flight engineers flying log book for Archie Henry Halliday from 30 August 1944 to 10 April 1945 detailing his training and operational duties. Training was with No.4 S of TT at RAF St. Athan and Heavy…

A thirteen page collection of target photographs and sortie reports.

Page 1: Vertical aerial target photograph of Argenta. Some roads, houses and open fields are visible in the upper half of the image. There are also canals, rail tracks or roads…

Low quality copies of target photographs of Brescia and supply drop at Crnomelj.
The Brescia image shows some ground detail in which the distinctive Cimitero Vantiniano is identifiable. Around half of the photograph is obscured by glare. It is…

Aircraft from 153 Squadron at Scampton. Describes crew and some history of the aircraft "P" Peter. Goes on to describe operation in detail from briefing, through the flight with navigation details, bombing and return to base. Saw no sign of Luftwaffe…

Lists twenty-one crews lost in action giving names of crew, aircraft number, target and cemetery or memorial, Dates between 14 October 1944 and 22 April 1945.

States that the crew flew operationally on no fewer than six Lancaster aircraft. Mentions operations along with aircraft flown on them and some of aircraft's subsequent history and where they were built.

Issued to Ted Neale to allow him access to the Accidents section of Allied Force Headquarter.

Two handwritten notes giving brief details of operations and relevant newspaper cuttings titled 'Packed Nazi troop towns hit' and 'RAF keep it up'.

For both operations, lists crew. For Verona reports route markers seen and visually aiming bombs and bursts seen on markers. For supply drop visually identified target, containers aimed at target, all chutes opened. Good concentration. Two versions…

Completed 13 operations on 408 Squadron. Comments that he did not complete his tour as the war ended. Mentions first operation was to Bremen and last to Heligoland. Comments on his Canadian crew and mentions names and ranks, Covers his training…

Gives accounts of operations including target, opposition, anti-aircraft fire, success of bombing, day or night, weather conditions. From September 1944 through to April 1945. Last page has list of losses.

Pilots flying log book for Douglas Ross Arrowsmith, covering the period from 15 January 1943 to 3 September 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at 1 Elementary Flying Training School RAF RAAF…

This is a handwritten record of the operations of 9 Squadron from 22nd November 1944 to 9th June 1945. For each operation it includes many details of the target, routes, bomb load, a description of results, and if any did not return. Inserted is the…

Flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for E A Denman, bomb aimer, covering the period from 16 July 1943 to 28 February 1946. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at 31 Bombing and Gunnery…

Flying log book for J F Mills, Navigator, covering the period from 20 September 1942 to 24 September 1950. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and post war flying with 1332 heavy conversion unit, 246 squadron, number 23 reserve flying…

Norman Long's log book as bomb aimer from 26 September 1943 until 21 June 1945. Trained at 48 and 42 Air Schools, 3 AFU, 30 OTU, 1662 HCU, 1 LFS before operational posting to 460 Squadron (RAAF). Served at RAF Hixon, RAF Blyton, RAF Hemswell, RAF…

Bill Burnett’s Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from 22 May 1944 to 20 April 1946. Initially with 1660 Heavy Conversion Unit before transferring to 5 Lancaster Finishing School and then 617 Squadron for operational duties in Europe. In January…
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