Browse Items (31 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-02-18"

Navigational computations and a chart for an operation to Wesel.

A document issued by the Metropolitan Police recording Jack's service in the police.

Comments that there seems to have been little Australian air mail over for anyone the last month. Apologises for not writing and describes recent leave in London and day in Leeds. Reports arrival of parcels from home. Talks of future leave, one week…

Apologises for not sending birthday greetings. Catches up with news of friends who had lost colleagues. Says he does not need further parcels. Catches up with family news and says he has some addresses in Ireland. Catches up with more family gossip. …

Page is titled 'Operational details of raids carried out over Germany, Holland and France, details of our flight log book of bombing raids.' It is in the form of a table recording Date, Target, Country, Duration and Comments. The summary at the end…
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