Browse Items (80 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-12-04"

A target photograph of Oberhausen. Cloud or smoke obscures the ground. There are some small smoke trails at centre left.
It is annotated "5B" and captioned: "2445. MEP. 4.12.44 //8 19,600. 109º 1412 OBERHAUSEN,YI 1 HC4000IN. 6ANM 50DT. 6GP500DT.…

This is a handwritten record of the operations of 9 Squadron from 22nd November 1944 to 9th June 1945. For each operation it includes many details of the target, routes, bomb load, a description of results, and if any did not return. Inserted is the…

John writes he has received two letters. He asks for shorts and swimming trunks for next summer.
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