Browse Items (8 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-10-27"

A group of airmen arranged in three rows outside the Officers' Mess. On the top of the sheet some of the individuals are named and some of their signatures have been added.

RAF Form 667B issued to Ralph Freeman


Acknowledges her letter of 24 October 44

Thanks her for her letter and delighted to hear that her husband Bob has fully recovered from his burns and hope that he will be home soon.

Acknowledges receipt of her two letters and expressing their delight that she has received news of her husband, Squadron Leader Robert Wareing. They confirm that they have verified the broadcast and that as soon as official confirmation is received…

List promotions to flight lieutenant and award of DFC. Award of Path Finder badge at 7 Squadron. Some pay details and postings.

Letter informing H W Bratley that he was qualified for award of Path Finder badge.
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