Browse Items (83 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-10-06"

List of twelve operations from 1 June 1944 to 29 October 1944.

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Target photograph showing built up area in top half with road and railway running left to right. Smoke from bomb explosions top left. Captioned '2630 DRF.6-10-44//8"17500 >094.1716.Sterkrade. R.16x500.C.34 secs.F/S Jubb.R.462.'.

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Flying log book for William Edwards, pilot. Covering the period 25 June 1942 to 31 January 1952. Details his training, operations and post-war civilian flying with Qantas. He was based at RAF Calveley, RAF Windrush, RAF Docking, RAF Church Broughton,…

T. Barber’s Royal Canadian Air Force Flying Log Book for Aircrew other than Pilot from 27th June 1943 to 6th May 1945 detailing his training, operations and instructional duties as an Air Bomber. He was stationed at RCAF Station Paulson (No. 7…

J Flint’s pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 17 March 1944 to 23 October 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Bruntingthorpe (29 OTU), RAF Swinderby (1660 HCU), RAF Syerston (5…

Flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for K Ganney, Air Bomber, covering the period from 29 May 1943 to 24 August 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Brough, RCAF Paulson, RCAF…

Pilots flying log book for C R Cuthill, covering the period from 11 June 1942 to 30 April 1948. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Perth, US NAS Gross ile, US NAS Pensacola, RCAF Charlotte…

List containing some some basic service history and some details of flights made by crew of Flight Sergeant A Barford with individual pages for pilot Barford, Warrant Officer William Day - air gunner, Flight Sergeant F Bolan RCAF- navigator, Warrant…

Operation 26 for the crew. Three navigation log sheets showing the route to be taken and the observations made throughout the operation. The plotting map shows the coasts of England and Holland and the route to Sterkrade.
The target photograph…

Flying log book for aircrew other than pilot for H J Wylde, bomb aimer, covering the period from 12 May 1943 to 12 July 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at No. 5 Bombing and Gunnery School…

Map and log sheets.
This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Page is titled 'Operational details of raids carried out over Germany, Holland and France, details of our flight log book of bombing raids.' It is in the form of a table recording Date, Target, Country, Duration and Comments. The summary at the end…

W R Homewood’s Navigator’s, Air Bomber’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 2 May 1944 to 12 March 1945, detailing his flying training and operations flown as Air Bomber. He was stationed at SAAF East London (41 Air…

Bill Foskett’s Flying Log Book as Bomb Aimer from 6th November 1942 until 3rd July 1945. Retrained in Canada as bomb aimer and air gunner at 31 Bombing and Gunnery School (Picton) and 31 Advanced Navigation School (Port Albert). Posted to 2…

Covering the period 3 December 1941 to 1945 it details Jack's initial training, sailing from New Zealand to Canada and subsequent train journey, visiting a fox farm, canoeing, taking exams and getting the results and trips in the snow. Qualifying as…
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