Browse Items (54 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-06-11"

Donald Briggs served as a flight engineer with 156 Squadron Pathfinders flying Lancasters from RAF Upwood between 27 May 1944 and 31 March 1945. The incomplete log book includes 62 daylight and night time operations to French, German, Dutch and…

Target photograph of Orleans. Partially obscured by smoke and light streaks. Captioned '9B', '905 SKELL.10/11.6.44.//NT 8" 6000' [arrow] 190° 0047. ORLEANS RD.M.2X1000.14X500.15 secs.S/L COLE M.50.' On the reverse 'ORLEANS. S/L COLE 10/11.6.44'.…

Target photograph of Orleans. Almost completely obscured by smoke, dust and light streaks. No detail visible. Captioned '7B', '912 SKELL.10/11.6.44.//NT 8" 7500' [arrow] 226° 0042. ORLEANS RD.L.2X1000.14X500.18 secs.P/O OLIVER L.50.'. 'On the…

Table with tare, petrol, bomb and all up weight with bomb load for two configurations for ten and six aircraft respectively. Annotated 'Caens [sic]'.

Shows several bomb loads with many crossed out. Details preselection an false heights as well as timings, weights, route and aircraft allocated in three time bands, Page is struck through and annotated 'Scrubbed' in large red letters.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 11/12 June 1944. Fourth member of each crew is underlined and ticked. Each crew has a height annotated above it. Two crews are flying with second pilot and two with second navigator. Includes duty…

Flying log book for D A MacArthur, navigator, covering the period from 24 April 1944 to 2 August 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Hemswell and RAF Kirmington. Aircraft flown in was Lancaster. He flew a…

Reconnaissance photograph showing open countryside with fields. A railway runs from top right downwards then loops to the left, culminating in the centre, The left side is covered in multiple craters. Craters on the right side are less concentrated.…

Number 165-22. No letters from her but recent news has thrilled them but will probably lead to more delays in mail. Others are optimistic about invasion but not him. Hope she will have holiday after all her efforts in past year. Mentions he is…

Writes there is still no news from him and hopes her letters are getting through. Mentions she has agreed sale of plot of land with neighbour and describes outbuildings on it. Describes listening to radio programme on small holdings with lodger and…

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for A G Gould, flight engineer, covering the period from 30 July 1943 to 13 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Stradishall, RAF…

Flight Sergeant K. Watson’s RAF Navigator’s, Air Bomber’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 5th October 1943 to 23rd December 1953, detailing training and operations as a Flight Engineer. Also includes post-war duties with Coastal…

Page lists six events, three Stirling, all crashes, three Lancasters damaged by anti-aircraft fire. The first on 1 December 1943, the last on 26 August 1944. This is not an exclusive list. The first on the list records Ken Hook's crash near…

Hopes she and son are keeping well and that he is fit and cheerful. Mentions poor weather, someone he just met and that he had had no mail from her recently.

Pilots flying log book two for Leslie Valentine, covering the period from October 1943 to 27 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and duties with 2nd Tactical Air Force communications flight. He was stationed at RAF Finmere,…
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