Browse Items (109 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-06-09"

An airman with a parachute trailing on the ground behind him is surrounded by a boy and two military personnel. A farmer is standing nearby. The men in uniform are pointing guns at the airman whilst the local boy is moving towards him. Two aircraft…

Target photograph of Rennes. Smoke and light streaks partially obscure top quarter of photograph. Railway marshalling yard top centre, prison just below it. Captioned '7B', '859 SKELL 8/9.6.44 //NT 8" 7000' [arrow] 087 0139 RENNES RD.T.2X1000,…

Target photograph of Rennes. Top right obscured by smoke and light streaks, urban area, street pattern and buildings visible. Captioned '5', '865 SKELL 8/9.6.44 //NT 8" 4000 [arrow] [track and time censored] RENNES RD.B.2X1000.14X500.[exposure…

Shows two bomb loads for operation and details distributor and preselection settings.

Table with tare, petrol, bomb and all up weight with bomb load for two configurations for ten and six aircraft respectively.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 9/10 June 1944. Fourth member of each crew is underlined and ticked. Includes three standby crews with allocated aircraft annotated. Includes one cross country training crew as well as duty personnel.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 8/9 June 1944. Fourth member of each crew is underlined and some ticked. Each crew has height annotated above it. Four crews are crossed through. Includes duty personnel.

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Pilot Officer Godfrey from 3 of February 1941 to 25 of September 1945 detailing training schedule, instructional duties and operations flown. Aircraft flown were Dominie, Proctor, Wellington, Hampden,…

Standard buff file cover subject 'Saumur, 8/9 June. Contents 'Night photos, Photographic Reconnaissance Unit, interpretation report, narrative'.

To officer commanding Conningsby Base RAF Woodhall Spa passing on congratulations on success of Saumur tunnel operation.

Relates that in response to request from the Army a planned operation was cancelled at late notice and replaced by operation against the railway tunnel at Saumur. As accurate bombing was required it was decided to use the recently available 12,000…

Concentration of craters at south end of target area, severe damage to tracks and embankment. Notes direct hit in roof of tunnel a few feet from south entrance and lists six other areas of damage.

Provides date - night 8/9 June 1944, target- railway tunnel and bridge, Saumur, zero hour - 0200. Leader and marker no 1 - Wing Commander Cheshire flying Mosquito. Lists pilot and navigator of two other markers flying Mosquito. Lists 25 other crews…

Target photograph shows bomb explosion left side half way up. Tracer tracks across image. On the reverse '51:92/17'.

Target photograph showing open countryside with railway line running from top left to middle right. Caption '19, W.S 8/9 6.44, NT 8", 0'5 0223, Special Target A. 1 x 14000, 15 secs, F/O Knight'. On the reverse '51:92/5'.

Target photograph shows bomb explosion in centre of image. Caption ' 114, W.S, 8/9.6.44, N.T. 8", Special Target, H. 1 x 14000, F/Lt Clayton H, 617''. On the reverse '51:92/6'.

Target photograph showing open countryside south west of Samur with Rue du Pont Fouchard running from top left to bottom right. There are lines of tracer on top and bottom left. Caption '119, W.S. 8/9.6.44, NT 8", Special Target, K.6 x 1000. 6x7FL,…

Target photograph showing open country with tracer emanating from centre right. Caption '110, W.S. 8/9.6.44, NT 8", 320,0245, Special Target, K1. 1 x 14000, 15 secs, F/Lt Wilson N, 617'. On the reverse 51:92/8'.
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