Browse Items (13 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-04-04"

States the organisation through which contact was obtained with Sergeant John Valentine that their secretary had visited Stalag Luft 6 and seen British prisoner of war John Valentine who asked him to convey his thanks to Grünfeld for books he sent…

Airgraph from Flight Sergeant Jim Cahir to his mother and brothers. He writes that he is well and that he had just had his first letter since being captured and hoping that they are not worrying about him. He also writes about the best way to send…

Lionel Horner’s Royal Air Force Flying Log Book as an Air Navigator from 29th June 1942 until 10th September 1945.
Navigation training at the Pan American Airways Navigation Section, Miami and then Advanced Flying Unit in England. Posted to 29…

Jim Hardy’s Royal Air Force Flying Log Book from 4th January 1944 until 31st January 1945. Posted to 311 Ferry Training Unit as a wireless operator. In February 1944 operational posting to 40 Squadron in Italy where he became Signals…

George Cook’s Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book from 8th August 1940 until 4th September 1945. During this time trained as a wireless operator and air gunner. Initial training at No. 1 Electrical and Wireless School and No. 4 Bombing…

Detailing his flying training and operations flown as navigator 16 January 1941 to 9 January 1946. He was stationed at RCAF Winnipeg (6 AOS), RCAF MacDonald (3 B&GS), RCAF Rivers (1 ANS), RAF Harwell (15 OTU), RAF Shallufa (38 and 40 Squadrons), …

Lists night flying training on 4 April 1944 mostly H2S sorties. Followed by day training flying on 5 April 1944 mostly oxygen checks and high level bombing as well as an H2S dual. Also includes some ground training which includes one crew clay pigeon…

Peter William Arthur Jones (b. 1954) speaks about his father Thomas John Jones DFC (b. 1921, 1640434 and 184141 Royal Air Force). Peter Jones discovered a memoir written by his father, Thomas Jones, a flight engineer, just after he passed away. Peter…
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