Browse Items (23 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-03-04"

Richard Wensley’s Royal Air Force Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from 27th June 1943 until 28th September 1946. Posted to 1657 Conversion Unit and then 214 Squadron for operations. In November 1943 posted back to 1657 Conversion Unit.…

Arthur Ward’s Flying Log Book as an air bomber from 20 November 1942 until 27 August 1944 on completion of his operational tour. Trained at No. 10 Advanced Flying Unit, 27 Operational Training Unit 30 Operational Training Unit, 1651 Conversion…

Navigator’s, air bomber’s and air gunner’s flying log book for J Kerevan, wireless operator, covering the period from 16 April 1943 to 12 October 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at 2…

G Highton’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 08 May 1942 to 08 April 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as a pilot. He was stationed at RCAF Penhold (36 SFTS), RAF Kingstown (15 EFTS), RAF Church Lawford (18…

F T Dunn’s Air Bomber’s Flying Log Book covering the period from 24 September 1942 to 22 November 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as air bomber. He was stationed at RAF Mount Hampden as pupil pilot 3-21 Aug 1942, South…

Top - a note explaining the railway plan in preparation for Operation Overlord, attacks on French railway system.
Top left - extract from Ned Sparkes's logbook from 1 March 1944 to 29 March 1944 with operations to Trappes, Le Mans (twice), Brest,…

Letter and explanatory note. Catches up with news of father's activities. Mentions he had done quite a few operations recently including Augsburg, Schweinfurt and Stuttgart. Writes that they had to divert to a fighter base on the south coast and had…

Pilots flying log book for L E Penn, covering the period from 31 December 1942 to 26 September 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RCAF Dauphin, RCAF Pennfield Ridge, RCAF Yarmouth, RAF…

Gives account of Halifax of 466 Squadron in which P J Hogan was navigator being shot down by German intruder aircraft on night 3/4 March 1945. The navigator and two gunners baled out successfully. The engineer left the aircraft but his parachute did…

Congratulations from squadron and award of Conspicuous Gallantry Medal.

Conveys congratulations on good news. Continues with good natured banter about winning such an honour.


South African Air Force observers or air gunners log book for H J Richards, navigator, covering the period from 9 March 1943 to 10 August 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown, and post war duties with Empire Air Armament School. He…

Invitation card to John's marriage to Kathleen from her parents (Mr & Mrs F C Burchell).

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 4/5 March 1944. Fourth member of each crew is underlined and ticked. The last crew, third from left in third row is written in. Includes one standby crew and duty personnel. On the reverse some…

Shows two bomb loads for six and seven aircraft annotated H2S respectively. Details preselection, time interval and false height settings. Includes timing, weights, Window effort, route and marking method. as well as bombing instructions. Page is…

Table with tare, petrol WS&D Window, bomb and take off all up weights for four configurations.
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