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  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-02-27"

The telegram tells her not to send his laundry since he is coming home.

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for H A Mace, wireless operator, covering the period from 16 July 1942 to 24 March 1944, when he was shot down on operations to Berlin. He was stationed at 8 Air Gunnery School RAF Evanton, 4 Signals…

John writes that he has little news.He has been playing bridge and studying. The weather is still cold. He asks for shoes to be sent.

Number 151-8. Reports arrival of 4 letters and all the news about new home and provides much advice on gramophone and financial issues. Mentions health issues and wishes for the end of winter.

Writes of rush of people enquiring whether they could rent rooms in their house but turned them down as she decided that expectant mothers had priority. Writes of her sister's recent visit and other domestic activities. Mentions plans to get piano…

Tito Samorè recalls wartime memories in Milan, when he was a member of the Balilla youth organisation. He remembers the outbreak of war and its announcement on the radio. Tito describes the first bombing of Milan in 1940, stressing how easy it was…

24 airmen arranged in three rows. On the front is annotated '411 1944 Feb 27'.On the reverse 'Squad End of Training Photograph. No. 2. Recruit Training Centre. Cardington. February. 27th. 1944'.
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