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  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1944-01-18"

He has had four letters from home. He asks about family and friends. He has little news.

Writes that he was now a flight sergeant and mentions his pay. Comments on mail and no news on leaving yet. Writes about training activities and going to cinema.

MB CR 5 Giuliana Menichini Pereira.mp3
L’intervistata è Giuliana Menichini Pereira, nata a Pistoia il 31 gennaio 1928. Interviene il padre Pietro Menichini, è presente il marito Miguel Pereira. L’intervista è effettuata da Claudio Rosati a Pistoia, presso l’abitazione…

Top - extract from Ned Sparkes log book for 5 January 1944 to 15 February 1944 showing two operations to Berlin.
Below - two documents giving accounts of these two operations with types of aircraft used, losses, enemy fighter operations, weather,…

Describes opening of RAF Fairford as part of 38 Group and arrival of Stirlings of 620 and 190 Squadons. Mentions training accident of Horsa glider. Goes on to describe 620 Squadrons operations paratrooper drops on D-Day and events leading up to the…

Writing in pencil as had lost his pen. Acknowledges receipt of letter and arrival of a parcel for which he mentions contents. Catches up with news of family and friends. Mentions upcoming leave and plans. Continues with family gossip. Writes about…


Certificate for Miss B Bailey for enrolment in the WAAF. On the reverse a typewritten list of personal items that she should bring with her when attending for draft.

From James and Helen Girdwood. Thanks the Madgetts for writing after hearing about Girdwood's bereavement and notes similar tragedies for both families. Writes that they have found several snaps of Hedley in their son's album. Notes their son Bill…
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