Browse Items (60 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-07-09"

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Note on the 30th anniversary of the Battle of Britain, remembering Reg Muir.

Lists fourteen operations between April 20th and August 9th.

List 20 operations between 22 March 1943 and 17/18 August 1943 of Stanley Shaw's crew.

List of 20 operations from may to August 1943 and list of crew members that he flew with. Notes one crew member subsequently killed in action and another survived a bad crash.

Caption for the page, 'With the boys at 31 B. & G.S. February - May & 33 A.N.S. May-July'. First picture, three individuals standing in front of a wooden building, captioned 'With Mike and Johnney at Picton'.
Second and third, group of individuals…

Letter confirming that Hedley Madgett's aircraft failed to return from operations on 17/18 August 1943. However there was nothing known that could be connected to the aircraft's non return. Writes that it takes some time for any news to come through…

Advising that her son has been reported missing, believed killed following the discovery of the seventh member of the crew. Confirming interment of the unidentified body in the cemetery at St. Trond and that a request for information of personal…

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Confirming the death of three crew members, with the remaining reported as missing in action, including her son Reg.

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Expressing sympathy for her missing son and offering financial assistance if required.

Has recommendation from his Squadron Commander, his Station Commander and the No 4 Group Air Officer Commanding. Was gazetted on 14 September 1943.

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for H A Mace, wireless operator, covering the period from 16 July 1942 to 24 March 1944, when he was shot down on operations to Berlin. He was stationed at 8 Air Gunnery School RAF Evanton, 4 Signals…

This is a handwritten record book for 9 Squadron from 14/15 April 1943 to 10/11 November 1943.

For each operation it includes many details of the target, routes, bomb load, crews, a description of results, and if any did not return.

The last…

Extracts from Peter Baxter’s Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from February 1938 until 16 June 1946. The extract only includes his flying record and is missing front and end covers, details of postings and aircraft flown.

After pre-aircrew…

Pilots flying log book for Ernest 'Cappy' Olaf Lane covering the period 1 May 1943 to 28 January 1945 detailing his time with 460 Squadron and operations flown. Cappy flew 22 night time operations as pilot, all in a Lancaster. The targets were Essen,…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Reginald William Lingfield Muir covering the period 1 July 1942 to 9 July 1943, Detailing his training as observer, air gunner and bomb aimer and the single operation flown, from which Reg and his crew…

Pilots flying log book 2 for F J Richardson, covering the period from 3 March 1943 to 8 October 1945. Detailing his operations flown, flying training and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Langar, RAF Ossington, RAF Church Broughton, RAF…

R Horsburgh’s Observer’s Flying Log Book detailing operations and training flown as Observer covering the period 25 October 1942 to 23 August 1943. He was stationed at RCAF Virden (19 EFTS), RCAF Brandon (12 SFTS), RAF Abingdon (10 OTU), RAF…
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