Browse Items (38 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-06-23"

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for J Wilson, covering the period from 12 July 1942 to 26 March 1945. Detailing his flying training, Operations flown and instructor duties. He was stationed at RAF Penrhos, RAF Lossiemouth, RAF…

Gives personal details, lists postings to 9 Squadron Lancaster finishing school, and 617 Squadron. Notes missing believed killed 21 March 1945.

Letter with gossip and family news.

Thanks him for letter and writes that he had informed his son that his membership of the caterpillar club would be forwarded in due course. Asks about parachute packer and writes of the circumstances of his son's surviving to become prisoner.

Offers sympathy over news that his son was missing from operations.

Confirms telegram in which he was informed that his son was missing from air operations on night 22/23 June 1943 when a Stirling aircraft in which he was flying as rear gunner set out for action and was not heard from again..

Certifies that Roy Jackson RAFVR was missing and presumed to have lost his life on 23 June 1943 as a result of air operations.

Extracts from Peter Baxter’s Flying Log Book as Flight Engineer from February 1938 until 16 June 1946. The extract only includes his flying record and is missing front and end covers, details of postings and aircraft flown.

After pre-aircrew…
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