Browse Items (10 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1942-10-29"

John's postponement of National Service

This log book covers the training, operational and post war flying career of Geoffrey Gosney from 2 July 1942 to 12 July 1951. It includes a cartoon of the 426 Squadron crest. Geoffrey flew 31 operations in two tours of duty, 23 of which were night…

Tadeusz Jasinski’s Flying Log Book as a wireless operator from 9 May 1941 to 14 October 1945. Carried out training at No. 2 Signal School, 4 Air Observer School (air gunner training) and 18 OTU, Posted to 304 (Polish) squadron for operations in…

Writes about his boxing match and playing rugby. Mentions weather, low temperatures and recent snow blizzard. Expresses that he is not impressed with Canada and has little news to report. Catches up with home news and reports that he is getting on…

Pilot’s flying log book covering the period from 21 October 1940 to 7 June 1943. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAAF Mascot (4 EFTS), RAAF Amberley (3 SFTS), RAF Bassingbourn/Steeple Morden (11…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during the battle at El Alamein. It is captioned 'BA 40 NT 29/30-10-42. F8" --> 6,000' Battle Area' and annotated 'Battle Area. 3 sticks of bombs and burning transport'.

A vertical aerial photograph of the Western Desert. It is captioned 'BA.40.NT.29/30-10-42. F8" --> 6000' Battle Area' and annotated 'The 15th Panzer division at El Alamein'.

Detailing his flying training and operations flown as navigator 16 January 1941 to 9 January 1946. He was stationed at RCAF Winnipeg (6 AOS), RCAF MacDonald (3 B&GS), RCAF Rivers (1 ANS), RAF Harwell (15 OTU), RAF Shallufa (38 and 40 Squadrons), …

Number 24. Notes it is the 3rd anniversary of their engagement and he writes how lucky he has been since asking her to marry him. He has been for a walk and seen some of the outside world.
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