Browse Items (21 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1942-09-03"

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Pilot Officer Godfrey from 3 of February 1941 to 25 of September 1945 detailing training schedule, instructional duties and operations flown. Aircraft flown were Dominie, Proctor, Wellington, Hampden,…

Number 17. Lists letters that have arrived. Apologises for upsetting her about food but things are much better now if largely vegetarian. He appreciates her efforts to organise food parcels. He writes that he is coping well. Asks her to enquire if…

Full-length portrait of toddler Frances Valentine wearing coat, trousers and hat standing in front of steps. In the background part of a door. On the reverse 'No 14, To Sgt J R M Valentine, British Prisoner of War No 450, Stalag Luft III, Germany,…

Three-quarter length portrait of toddler Frances Valentine wearing coat, trousers and hat standing in front of steps. In the background part of a door. On the reverse 'No 15, To Sergt J R M Valentine, British P-o-w. 450, Stalag Luft III, Germany,…

Full-length portrait of toddler Frances Valentine wearing coat, trousers and hat, walking away from camera along a path. On the reverse 'No 16, To Sgt J R M Valentine, British Prisoner of War No 450, Stalag Luft III, Germany, From Mrs Valentine,…

Writes about domestic activities and visit from the vicar. Mentions that monthly copy of prisoner of war official Red Cross Journal had arrived and wonders about accuracy of some statements about food. Continues with more domestic chat and about…

Hopes telegram with fathers birthday greeting arrived. Two years ago that he sent first letter and had no idea then what mail facilities would be available. Catches up on mail and cables received. Ask them to thank others who have sent mail. Cannot…

Reports arrival of several letters, one considered the most important of last batch. Glad he received most of her letters and comments on his new friend. Mentions having received over 40 letters from him at Laghouat. Mentions contents of various…

Flying Officer G. Dunmore’s RAF Observer’s and Air Gunner’s Flying Log Book, from 25th June 1942 to 3rd October 1943, recording operations as a flight engineer with 83 Squadron RAF, mainly as part of the Pathfinder Force. Aircraft in which…

Contains personal details. medical details, postings, course and promotions as airman.

H W Wickham’s Pilot’s Flying Log Book covering the period 10 July 1942 to 23 May 1943. Detailing his operations flown as pilot. He was stationed at RAF Fayid and RAF Aqir (462 Squadron) and RAF Castle Coombe (3 Flying Instructor’s…

Headed 'Keep Your Movements Secret' details of 44 operations flown by Squadron leader Douglas 'Hank' Iveson with 76 Squadron and 77 Squadron in Europe and the Middle East in Whitley and Halifax aircraft. Annotations include bombing the Holz rubber…

Douglas 'Hank' Ivseson's first tour in Europe and 16 days of operational duties in the Middle East covering the period 7 July 1941 to 26 February 1943. Hank served with 76 Squadron, 77 Squadron and 462 Squadron and flew in Whitley and Halifax…

Observer's and air gunner's flying log book for Pilot Officer Bob Butler covering 22 September 1940 to 23 September 1942 detailing training flights, air tests and operations.
Served at RAF Jurby, RAF Bassingbourn, RAF Newmarket, RAF Waterbeach, RAF…

Warrant Officer Thomas McMahon's service and release book from 26 August 1940 to 29 January 1946.
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